Coordinators for next season


Active Member
Realistically is Norm going to retire? If so is there someone internally that is ready to take that step or do we go hunting elsewhere?

Is Ken going to get another job? Is he interviewing still. It seems like he was applying whereever there is a job.. if he finds work, is there an internal person to plug in here ? or do we go shopping.

Is Iowa better off

1. replacing both?
2. replacing neither
3. only Norm
4. only Ken

Pass the beer nuts
Besides the fact Norm is now in a wheel chair he looked pretty good for the bowl game. People said he looked his usual self in the press conferences leading up to the game. I don't see him going anywhere unless his health takes a major turn for the worse. As for KOK, he isn't leaving unless he finds a new job or retires. Kirk will never release him. Both will be employed in their same capacities next season.
I don't think either are going anywhere. However, if KOK were to take another job, there is one guy that I wouldn't mind getting. Norm Chow is reportedly on the outs at UCLA. He's a QB guru, a pro-style OC (While KOK is more a spread guy being forced to run a pro-style, though I don't have any big issues with KOK's work.). That could be a great fit with the potential that we have at QB. But, things will stay the same, and I don't really have a problem with that.
I want to start by saying I hope that both are back. I agree with tm3308 in that KOK is running an offense that he might not be 100% comfortable with and I also have no beef with the job he's doing. I do not think that Norm Chow would be the replacement, mostly because I don't see KF going after a big name like that. He is going to get someone that is "his guy" to call the offense. Unless there is a link between KF and Chow that I don't know about?

As for DC, I could see Kirk going in house and promoting Phil Parker, Darrell Wilson, or even Rick Kaczenski, if either or any of them are interested. They have all been in the system for 6 years or more.
IMO the new DC is either on staff or is Ron Aiken...which is fine.

I think those in house guys all think they have a shot though, so they don't really look elsewhere.

I worry about the guys who do not get the DC job bolting and all of a sudden we have an all new defensive staff including a hew head man.
I want to start by saying I hope that both are back. I agree with tm3308 in that KOK is running an offense that he might not be 100% comfortable with and I also have no beef with the job he's doing. I do not think that Norm Chow would be the replacement, mostly because I don't see KF going after a big name like that. He is going to get someone that is "his guy" to call the offense. Unless there is a link between KF and Chow that I don't know about?

As for DC, I could see Kirk going in house and promoting Phil Parker, Darrell Wilson, or even Rick Kaczenski, if either or any of them are interested. They have all been in the system for 6 years or more.

Oh, Chow would definitely be a pipe-dream. But, he'd still be my first choice, he'd be a great fit, IMO. He was given plenty of room to be aggressive at USC, but I think he'd be more comfortable calling a conservative pro-style game than KOK is. Plus his list of QB's mentored ( Matt Leinart, Carson Palmer, Matt Cassel, Phillip Rivers, Steve Young, and Ty Detmer) is quite impressive.

But it will never happen, I admit.
My pipe-dream offensive coordinator?

Bill Snyder!
Boom--Norm and Snyder, 2 ancients to go up against Paterno at Penn St.--except our geezers actually still coach.
With all due respect this is a pretty stupid question. Barring a further health setback Norm will be our D corrdinator next year. Barring him taking a job elsewhere KoK will be our O corrdinator next year.

I tire of the excuse for KOK that he is a spread coach trapped in a pro-set. He has been coaching this offense for 12 consecutive years now. He has had plenty of time to adjust his coaching style to Ferentz's. He needs to do a better job of gameplanning and making in game adjustments. Whether he would rather Iowa run a different offense, by now is moot. He should be running more efficient offenses at Iowa by now. He was on track this season until the last five games.
If KF goes into next year without a clear succession plan for DC, than it is a major screw up on his part.

I too think Norm may be back next year, but I also think it is entirely possible that he isn't.

The DC by committee thing this year hurt us.
Why on Earth do people want to see Campbell as OC?

He's much too valuable as a position coach with the WR's.

He's never called plays before, so there is nothing to suggest he would do that very well.
1 reason we would not get or go after chow. Next OC and DC will have to stay until KF retires, I don't think Kirk would want to keep hiring a new Coordinator. Chow was willing to leave USC when they were on top, I don't see what would stop him from leaving Iowa.
KoK and Norm will be back next year......but if they are not Mark Whipple needs a job. I could see KF using his NFL connections and getting a position coach(QB,WR, RB) in the NFL and making him the OC. As for the DC, its Phil's job once Norm leaves.
1 reason we would not get or go after chow. Next OC and DC will have to stay until KF retires, I don't think Kirk would want to keep hiring a new Coordinator. Chow was willing to leave USC when they were on top, I don't see what would stop him from leaving Iowa.

He also left for the NFL. He didn't fare well there, and I would doubt that he'd get another serious look from the League. The NFL was just about the only step up at the time from USC. He also didn't do that well with UCLA, so he might be a bit less mobile now. He'd have job security with Ferentz, which is another thing that keeps assistants here.

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