"Congratulations You Won"


Well-Known Member
Pretty much the most annoying ad in history. It is actually causing me to avoid this site. What moron in their right mind would click on that?
I have having a real hard time pinning down which ad provider its coming from. Everyone is saying its not them.
Jon, I also won. I will send you an email with my contact info, will you make sure my prize is delivered in a timely manner? Thanks.
The ad seems to be taking over. There's two of the same ad on one page. Its really trying to trick some people. Maybe if it said you're the winner of a bundle of vDollaz I'd click.
I feel left out. I have google chrome and all I see are threads. I haven't won anything.
That ad is like a herpes flare up, annoying and painful to look at yet I still wanna win... btw I don't have herpes my friend Robert does.
It's legit guys. I've now won a new car, a trip to Cancun, a boat, $100,000, and a new house just by clicking on them. Don't be a pu**y, push the button!