Conference expectations


Well-Known Member
It's been a disaster for the Big 10 this bowl season but the expectations weren't very high. I'm not sure that any of the teams aside from Illinois were favored to win there games. Believe it or not, TCU was favored to beat Wisconsin. Losing to TCU doesn't make the Badgers frauds. If a couple of things go the Badgers way (such as a 39 yard field goal) then Wisconsin wins the game.
Did anyone expect Michigan to keep it close against a good team? They haven't been since early September and that depends on what you think of Big East Champion UConn or Notre Dame.
I honestly expected a beat down in the Capital One Bowl. I haven't thought the same about Michigan State since they got thrashed by Iowa. Elite level teams rarely get destroyed and Michigan State would have been beaten badly a few more times if not for a few big come backs. However they played an elite level team. Yes it's hard to admit but Alabama is an elite team.
Penn State vs. Florida was a bit of a toss up that could have gone either way at the end. No shame for Penn State.
Here's what the Big 10 was this year. 2 Elite level teams in Ohio State and Wisconsin. One very good-elite level team that really underperformed (Iowa). One good team that looked better than they were because of a nice schedule (Michigan State). A few average teams that have big holes (Michigan, Penn State, Illinois, Northwestern). And three bad teams (Minnesota, Indiana, Purdue). With that group, my bowl expectations weren't very high.
Terrible day, but if OSU wins the Big Ten finishes 3-5
SEC will go 3-5 or 4-4
Big 12 will go 3-5 or 4-4
Most conference are going to look bad when matched up against the SEC. I hate admitting this but it's true; the SEC is the best conference top to bottom year in and year out. It has nothing to do with a supposed ESPN bias. Although I don't think the gap between them and the rest of the country is huge, it is noticeable. The way that some of those programs get there is up for debate.
Wisconsin may have been a dog to TCU but everyone thought they were going to roll them up big time. They should have been beaten worse, IMO. It always felt like TCU was a play or two from busting that thing wide open. Wisconsin was not the better of those 2 teams and wouldn't be on most days played. TCUs defense is too good.
I disagree. Most people in Big 10 country thought Wisconsin would roll TCU. But Vegas goes with what people are betting. Most people were willing to go with TCU. I know Vegas isn't the nation but there's a wide variety of people and give you a good idea. And I thought it was a pretty even game. There were a couple what if moments for Wisconsin too. What if John Clay got a few more carries? What if Nick Toon can hang onto a couple difficult catches? I got the impression that TCU was the better team at that particular time as evidence by the scoreboard, but never got the impression that they could have blown the game open. It was two very good teams and if they'd play another good game if the played again.

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