Complaining about the refs


Well-Known Member
I suggest a new board rule in regards to the complaining about the refs.

It's down right embarassing as a representation of the Hawkeye fan base. We were ahead at a half last night and in the bonus in the 2nd half with 12-13 minutes to go.

I understand there are some bad calls and tough breaks but take off the Hawkeye glasses and put down the kool-aid cup..... we got beat by a better team last night and it had nothing to do with the refs.

Thanks for your consideration Jon.
Never going to happen and never going to change. Happens in Wins and Losses you will never change that. Hawk Fan has a crazy, crazy fascination with officiating. :)

This image will make a grown HN message board poster cry:


and our fearless leader rage.. :)

I suggest a new board rule in regards to the complaining about the refs.

It's down right embarassing as a representation of the Hawkeye fan base. We were ahead at a half last night and in the bonus in the 2nd half with 12-13 minutes to go.

I understand there are some bad calls and tough breaks but take off the Hawkeye glasses and put down the kool-aid cup..... we got beat by a better team last night and it had nothing to do with the refs.

Thanks for your consideration Jon.

There's a vast difference between outright saying that the reason we lost a game was because of the officiating and complaining about the complete lack of skill, consistency and understanding of the game displayed night in and night out by officials.

Look, I challenge you to go back and watch the game, particularly the 2nd half and tell me how many times our guys' jerseys were pulled when cutting and how many times two hands or an arm bar was used on the player with the ball. And that's AFTER they whistled MSU for 5 fouls in the first 3 minutes of the 2nd half. There is no logical reason how we can get to the bonus with 13 minutes left in the game and have only 4 more fouls called on MSU for the next 13 minutes. It defies explanation. In the 2nd half, MSU completely thwarted any and all offensive motion by our team....not by playing good defense, but by reverting back to Izzo Thug Ball and the refs were absolutely implicit in that. And that doesn't even address guys like Borowski and Seratore allowing Izzo to constantly talk to them during timeouts, deadballs, free throws, etc and completely staying away from Fran and allow him to plead his side. Nor does it address them allowing Izzo to berate them and the first time Fran shows serious disagreement with them, Borowski T's him up.

The B1G has allowed basketball in its conference to devolve into football on wood and refuses to do anything about it. In the last 15-20 years, the conference has allowed itself to completely do away with teams like the "Flying Illini" or the mid/late 80's Iowa and Michigan teams. Those teams had offensive flow, freedom of movement and were able to do the things that basketball was meant to allow.....running, jumping, cutting....all the great athletic things you expect out of talented basketball players.

It's to the point now that it's rarely worth watching anymore because the same movie keeps playing over and over and over. And it will never change until the B1G has officials who will stop the thugging, pushing, grabbing, etc that completely ruins the game.
There's a vast difference between outright saying that the reason we lost a game was because of the officiating and complaining about the complete lack of skill, consistency and understanding of the game displayed night in and night out by officials.

Look, I challenge you to go back and watch the game, particularly the 2nd half and tell me how many times our guys' jerseys were pulled when cutting and how many times two hands or an arm bar was used on the player with the ball. And that's AFTER they whistled MSU for 5 fouls in the first 3 minutes of the 2nd half. There is no logical reason how we can get to the bonus with 13 minutes left in the game and have only 4 more fouls called on MSU for the next 13 minutes. It defies explanation. In the 2nd half, MSU completely thwarted any and all offensive motion by our team....not by playing good defense, but by reverting back to Izzo Thug Ball and the refs were absolutely implicit in that. And that doesn't even address guys like Borowski and Seratore allowing Izzo to constantly talk to them during timeouts, deadballs, free throws, etc and completely staying away from Fran and allow him to plead his side. Nor does it address them allowing Izzo to berate them and the first time Fran shows serious disagreement with them, Borowski T's him up.

The B1G has allowed basketball in its conference to devolve into football on wood and refuses to do anything about it. In the last 15-20 years, the conference has allowed itself to completely do away with teams like the "Flying Illini" or the mid/late 80's Iowa and Michigan teams. Those teams had offensive flow, freedom of movement and were able to do the things that basketball was meant to allow.....running, jumping, cutting....all the great athletic things you expect out of talented basketball players.

It's to the point now that it's rarely worth watching anymore because the same movie keeps playing over and over and over. And it will never change until the B1G has officials who will stop the thugging, pushing, grabbing, etc that completely ruins the game.

I feel like all I'm reading is a long list of excuses.
I feel like all I'm reading is a long list of excuses.

You can think what you want. You have your opinion and I have mine. But it's an undisputed fact that the B1G has gone from a league that used to be known for high-flying, running, dunking offensive juggernauts to a league that is now known for low-scoring, mugging, thug teams that take more pride in planting someone driving for a layup than in actually playing the game the way it was meant to be played. And that's on the officials and thats on the league for allowing it. I don't know if you're old enough to remember how the league looked from about 1970 to 1990, but it was an unbelievably fun league to watch. Now, it's horrendous.
I feel like all I'm reading is a long list of excuses.

I don't get how anyone can read the post you quoted and not think its a good point. There was no way to get anything going on offense with the way we were getting grabbed. Do you not see it or do you just not think its a big deal?

You can blame Fran for not grabbing and hand checking them but other than that there is nothing we could do. What's your honest opinion on how they had so many fouls in the first few minutes and so few the rest of the game? Do you think they just did a better job of not making contact while continuing the same in your face defense that got them so many fouls earlier? Do you think they just softened up on defense but we were just running such a bad offense that we couldn't score anyway? Or do you think that scoring should be just as easy whether they are grabbing you or not?

I would seriously love some answers to these questions from you or anyone from the don't blame the refs crowd. I really do wonder the thought process. Is it as simple as "blaming refs is for *******", and you've never even stopped to think about how much it can affect a game? Or do you really think that refs are incapable of changing a game based on how they call it? I really hope someone gives their opinion because I am really curious on how the other side thinks. Thanks.
If anyone has the game DVRed go to the 4:39 mark of the first half. Gesell gets blocked by Payne so they show the above the basket replay of his drive. Appling was riding and pushing Gesell the whole time down the lane. That play sums up pretty well what our players had to deal with. It's almost comical that not one official saw a foul there.
Or watch the last shot of the half by oglesby. If you look REALLY close you can see Harris grabbing has jersey when he's trying to make his cut. It's tough to see though so you might have to rewind a few times. :)
Or if you want to see how we leave their red hot 3 point shooter open check out the illegal screen on Dawson at the 10:24 mark of the second half.
Just watch appling every single time he's on ball defending then compare it to the hand check they called on Marble. Then tell me there is any other explanation other than the refs simply give up on calling it because they do it every time. Then explain to me why they call that half *** one on Marble if they have given up on calling it. Appling doesn't even hide it he just puts his hand on his man every time.
Or if you want to see how we leave their red hot 3 point shooter open check out the illegal screen on Dawson at the 10:24 mark of the second half.

Then compare that illegal screen with the one on McCabe with 5 minutes left.
Always seems to be brought up in close games down the wire and you end up losing. Refs do take a beating and it gets ridiculous. Not making excuses for bad calls by refs but these guys are part time and not professionals and fans could stop making it an issue if our teams would just win by a big enough margin and not put it in the hands of the refs to decide the games.
Always seems to be brought up in close games down the wire and you end up losing. Refs do take a beating and it gets ridiculous. Not making excuses for bad calls by refs but these guys are part time and not professionals and fans could stop making it an issue if our teams would just win by a big enough margin and not put it in the hands of the refs to decide the games.

Win by a bunch to compensate for incompetence. I love that argument. Officiating is part of the game. If they play a roll in the outcome it has every right to be talked about.

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