Come on media your job!!!


Well-Known Member
Listening to Sound Off right now....these two guys are the closest I've seen to anything in a major market far as criticism. One of them stated embarrassing stat after embarrassing stat for about two full minutes....but then diminished all his good work and lost my respect by ending it with...."Look, I'm not calling for Kirk Ferentz head, but....blah, blah, blah. Leaves me thinking, what in the hell will it take for the first media member within 100 miles of Iowa City to call for KF's head? I guarantee that when one does it, others will suddenly get a shot of courage and is very apparent that while 90% of the media members probably feel like it's time for change, 0% want to be the first person to walk out on that ledge and say it...especially in print. So we are to believe that there isn't ONE writer who feels like it's time for a change??? You know darn well there are several....but they are too afraid of their safe little career in Eastern Iowa to do what they are paid to do. SEVERAL (And they know who they are) when they do voice criticism like to use the 3rd person route so they can step back and say..."Hey, it's not me saying it....I'm just writing what I hear from fans". Someone needs to carry the torch for us "Rank amateurs" who get patted on the head by our last two AD's and told to put on our mittens and go back outside and play.

Help us out Jon....I'll buy you dinner. Deal?
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Because if media members criticize Kirk they will be viewed as trolls amongst their peers. Possibly lose their credentials for continuing criticism.
My first question as a media member would be....

Kirk, do you believe a 7-5 record justifies a 3.8 million dollar salary.

At this point I would drop the mic and walk out of the presser.
Their job is to put in print the SAME things they say about KF and the future of Iowa Football to their peers....minus any colorful language. Please don't turn this thread around and ask me questions,,,,y'all know EXACTLY what I am saying. NOT saying that it is the medias job to get KF fired....however, they can come out and editorialize what they think needs to be done to exact change in this dead program.

IowaHawkGuy - As if losing an Iowa credential is that big of a loss....and I am being dead serious when I say that.

Finn - It sure couldn't hurt!

Jon - Enjoying the hell out of your podcast right now!
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I remember when Lickliter was about to be canned and what the media's tone was like and discussing is this it for Lick. I remember media members saying like this is your team Iowa fans and you take ownership in it. Seemed like there was more of a consolidated effort from the media to push the momentum to getting him removed. A bit stronger tone.

Only thing I can say is it goes back to dollars and maybe the media is waiting for the bottom to drop out more before fully pouncing. But, if they all pounced they certainly couldn't all be blacklisted could they? Should be interesting on who first decides to just come out and say it.
56 - My thoughts exactly....are they going to jerk everyone's credential? And I would think that they would/should be embarrassed if they did jerk someones credential and it got publicized.
56 - My thoughts exactly....are they going to jerk everyone's credential? And I would think that they would/should be embarrassed if they did jerk someones credential and it got publicized.

Yep.....someone just needs to start the domino falling. It couldn't hurt if it could speed up the process.
Seems to me their job is to be the voice for the people.

The job of the media is to inform people of the facts.

I appreciate Jon's efforts to lay out the information on all the mediocre seasons Iowa fans seem to so easily forget and the resources they seem to be unaware of.
The media could have the toughest questions and KF will not be phased at all and all we get more of the same. It doesn't matter...
Jon - I may have already asked you this, so I apologize ahead of time if I have. Does the Iowa media as a whole... print & electronic...ever ask Barta for time to answer specific questions about the bell cow programs? GM's (And some owners) in Pro sports do it all the the very least, at seasons end. I have to think either he's being asked, but he denies it....and it's not getting reported.....or, he's not being asked at all. Which is it exactly? Neither scenario makes the media look very responsible to it's consumers if you ask me.
56 - My thoughts exactly....are they going to jerk everyone's credential? And I would think that they would/should be embarrassed if they did jerk someones credential and it got publicized.

I think a lot of you are missing something. It is interesting that Jon asked what people think the job is of the media. Some people talk about media getting their credentials pulled by speaking the truth. The people that actually, typically, have media credentials are beat writers. It is not their job to editorialize but to cover the team on a daily basis. While they can certainly slant how they cover something, it really isn't part of what they do to "call for the coach's head."

The writers that are columnists are paid to have opinions. They typically, correct me if I am wrong, would not have credentials to pull. Typically, they would not have to worry about access to the program. In many ways this is similar to a sports radio personality, although they do typically want to get guests on their show. They probably don't typically hold back for that reason. At least that has been what I have seen in Kansas City.
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Media members are doing their job.

The TV announcers were sure doing a job on KF and GD this season. I wish I would have kept each game on the DVR and snipped out every time an announcer said

"Iowa needs to play to win"

"Iowa needs to stretch the field"

"I don't like how they use Weisman running wide"

"Iowa needs to play to win"
(oh, was that mentioned before)

Put that all together and then send it to Barta and the coaching staff....
I think a lot of you are missing something. It is interesting that Jon asked what people think the job is of the media. Some people talk about media getting their credentials pulled by speaking the truth. The people that actually, typically, have media credentials are beat writers. It is not their job to editorialize but to cover the team on a daily basis. Why the can certainly slant how they cover something, it really isn't part of what they do to "call for the coach's head."

The writers that are columnists are paid to have opinions. They typically, correct me if I am wrong, would not have credentials to pull. Typically, they would not have to worry about access to the program. In many ways this is similar to a sports radio personality, although they do typically want to get guests on their show. They probably don't typically hold back for that reason. At least that has been what I have seen in Kansas City.

A beat writer could have their credentials pulled if a writer from the same media ownership wrote something unfavorable. But, I think we're beyond that, right now. Editorials won't surface until after the bowl game, if they do.
What is their job?

I would say asking real questions to Ferentz and demanding answers. Real questions about things you yourself have talked about. About the direction of the program and things like personnel decisions, clock management, why we continually run Weisman to the edge, etc. These are the answers that fans want to hear.

In other markets when teams are struggling, coaches are facing tough questions. Ferentz could just walk up to a microphone in an empty room and say, "That's football," and "We have some things to clean up," on his own. If they aren't asking tough questions and demanding real answers why do they even have jobs?
------If they aren't asking tough questions and demanding real answers why do they even have jobs?

Please don't get me started....not good for me this close to bed time.

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