College football final. are you like me?


Well-Known Member
I can't watch it because lou Holtz is on it. I understand his iowa connection, but just go away lou. Mark may makes good points and than I have to listen lou spray words on the inside of my tv that i cant use a towel to wipe off...he needs to go.
Maybe but I think College Game Day with Fowler before games has been unwatchable. Katy Perry , give me a break.

I havent watched much game day for several years.
I'm too busy flipping through other games to bother watching Lou or any other post game talking heads for that matter. Maybe once or twice a season I might catch Lee Corso with a lampshade on his head or his favorite mascot of the week but that's about it.
Don't watch esecpn unless they put the HAWKS or another BIG team on. Can't stand listening to their biased $$$$.
Not a fan of Chris Fowler. As I posted awhile back in another thread the best gameday sign I ever saw was one that read, Lou Holtz spits when he talks. Still gives me laughs today. Guests on gameday are worthless. They're a ratings draw. Most can't understand video game football and their spewing their (lack of ) knowledge on tv with the gameday crew telling them how great they are. I do like Herbstriet and his game announcing and the give and take with him and Corso. Fowler, Desmond Howard and guests being experts, give me a break.
I can't watch it either. Between Mark making the occasional idiotic statement and Lou sounding like an idiot regardless of what he says, it can be really tough to watch.
I cant stand neither one of them. Especially Holtz. Its notre dame this notre dame that.

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