College Basketball Rules

In my opinion college basketball needs to change their rules on players leaving for the draft. I believe they should do something along the lines of college football.
I say just change it back to letting the kids go right to the NBA out of highschool if they have the skill set. I'd rather see them go at least 3yrs of college but they need to get rid of this one and done crap.
i agree with that, either let them straight out, or make them stay, college basketball is getting to the point where every good player is leavin, and making us all curious who will be the next big star for the year..its someone different every year
It's the NBA's rule, not the NCAA's. The NCAA CAN'T tell kids they have to be enrolled in college. The NBA CAN tell kids they can't play in their league.
i just hate seeing players leaving early, if they blow a knee out what are they gonna do, cuz most kids dont even attend class...they have nothing to fall back on..and you have some players like craig brackens who leave a year to late, and now they wont be as good as projected the year before
i just hate seeing players leaving early, if they blow a knee out what are they gonna do, cuz most kids dont even attend class...they have nothing to fall back on..and you have some players like craig brackens who leave a year to late, and now they wont be as good as projected the year before
No disagreement from me but you can't live life for everyone.They can and will make their own decisions good and bad whether the NBA or anyone else thinks differently.
The only thing college basketball needs to do is make sure that everyone who is on scholarship has a qualifying ACT/SAT score and actually goes to class. They don't have to be geniuses, but they should at least pretend to be students and not just NBA trainees. The Derrick Rose situation was a joke, and I'm willing to bet that a bunch of UK's one-and-done guys have not set foot in their spring classes. That creates an uneven playing field and makes a complete joke out of the whole idea of college athletics.

The NBA can do whatever it wants. If guys don't want to go to college or don't have the grades, they should play in Europe like Brandon Jennings did. It didn't seem to hurt him a bit. I'd love to see all the one-and-dones in Europe and more college players that actually go to class and stick around for at least 3 years. If the NCAA actually enforced their rules (banning guys like Calipari would be a good start), I think some of that would happen naturally.
Two years removed from high school graduation would be a great place to start. If you don't want to go to school that long, head to europe.
Open up the D-league right out of highschool and two years removed for the NBA. Use your minor league just like baseball does.
In my opinion college basketball needs to change their rules on players leaving for the draft. I believe they should do something along the lines of college football.

Who in the world still thinks the current rule is a good one? However, I assume any change would have to await the next collective bargaining agreement in the NBA.
Who in the world still thinks the current rule is a good one? However, I assume any change would have to await the next collective bargaining agreement in the NBA.

it's the NBA's rule, and it has worked out great for them. if anything they are more likely to make it harder to enter the league, rather than easier. david stern has mentioned this several times.

the NCAA is the group that hates the rule, but they have only themselves to blame. if you don't want a sport full of derrick roses and john walls, enforce stricter academic standards, require players to attend class in the spring, and penalize coaches (not just schools) when they abuse the system.
Who in the world still thinks the current rule is a good one? However, I assume any change would have to await the next collective bargaining agreement in the NBA.

A new CBA after 2010-2011 season. I'm wondering if we'll see something happen on this front.
I think the NBA would be just as happy with kids being free to come in out of HS. They don't have to draft them. A number of them are physically ready for the league, if not emotionally. Wall and Cousins could just as well have gone straight out of HS.

If those who go to college have to stay two or three years, the NBA will be no worse off than they are now, and kids will have a choice which should help weed out those who have no interest in an education.
The entire idea is bull**** in my opinion.

If you are good enough to be one of the most highly recruited people in the world to go into your given profession at 18, why in the world should you not be able to?

What the NBA needs to do is start giving these kids some sound financial advise and start instituting a 401(k) program. Most NBA players end up bankrupt. Give any 18 year old kid, but especially one that grew up impoverished and of course they are going to spend every last dollar.

They should also institute a developmental league without age limits.

That way players that sign up to play CBB know that they are doing it because they want to play CBB, not because they have to. And then I think if you leave school before your junior year, you have to pay back your schollie.
I think the NBA would be just as happy with kids being free to come in out of HS. They don't have to draft them. A number of them are physically ready for the league, if not emotionally. Wall and Cousins could just as well have gone straight out of HS.

If those who go to college have to stay two or three years, the NBA will be no worse off than they are now, and kids will have a choice which should help weed out those who have no interest in an education.

The NBA loves having kids go to college for one year for a couple reasons. First of all it's basically free marketing for them. If Kevin Durant comes in straight out of high school he's basically unknown outside of big time basketball fans, with his one year in texas he's now a huge star. Same with John Wall. The second reason they like it is because it makes their job of evaluating talent much easier. Seeing these kids play against fairly high competition night in and night out reduces the chance of teams making a mistake and drafting the likes Robert Swift or Leon Young or Kwame Brown.

I would like to see the NBA go to something similiar to what baseball does. You can go pro right out of high school but if you go to college you must wait three years before you can re-enter the draft.
I like the rule.

What other business goes around giving millions of dollars to uneducated people? Entertainment? What happens to most child stars?

The NBA is protecting their product. When these kids go to college, even if they show up for a semester, are getting more knowledge and structure than they ever had in high school, which will only benefit them as NBA employees.

The problem is not the NBA's rule, but rather the NCAA allowing coaches to job the system. If the NCAA is really wants what is best for the student athletes (and it doesn't), then it would take steps to make sure that kids who are going one and done are not being exploited. Of course, since the NCAA is the primary beneficiary of this exploitation, they will not kill the golden goose.
I think one year is fair. It helps prepare these athletes for the next level and helps the college bball product as well. I would keep it as is
i just hate seeing players leaving early, if they blow a knee out what are they gonna do, cuz most kids dont even attend class...they have nothing to fall back on..and you have some players like craig brackens who leave a year to late, and now they wont be as good as projected the year before

This is such a bad argument. The last pick in the first round is a guaranteed millionarie.... he makes roughly 1.5 million guaranteed over 2 years. In the event they don't make it in the league they are in the same position they would have been before, except with a lot more money. Provided they make good decisions with thier money they get a head start in life and the money to get an education if they choose to.

The argument that keeping players from entereing the NBA right out of HS is in the best interest of the players is laughable.
I hate the rule as it is now. If they're going to make a rule like this, do it like MLB does it: you can come in straight out of high school, but if you choose to go to college, you have to stay there for 2-3 years. That would help both the NBA and college basketball, not to mention players (especially if the NBA did make a 401k program to help these guys stay out of the red once they retire).

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