Coker, relax thread


Well-Known Member
It is amazing to me how college football minds change from week to week. Yes he fumbled against Minny, yeah he fumbled twice in a downpour. Remember Mizzou, Coker Pace? It sucks losing McCall, but seriously he is a true frosh that if injured in practice no one would probably be talking about. Oh my God who is Coker's backup? Relax, 2004 ring a bell? Okeefe, JVB/McNutt/Davis/O-line and fill in the blank. We will be fine.
Not even concerned about Coker. While I am sure this isn't the outting that he or we, the fans were hoping for, Coker will be fine. He has a lot of pride, you can see that from his statements from before he came to Iowa and now.

Iowa State should be concerned, not us. He breaks 200 again and all of this is behind him.
not concerned about Coker, he will learn from it and this all he will be hearing about all week from the coaches. Plus it was pouring and the ball was very slippery. I played center in high school and when the ball gets wet it is very hard to hang on to, I'm suprised there weren't alot of bad snaps, credit to James Ferentz
balls were wet for everyone, no??
yea, tenn tech had some bad shotgun snaps. I admit he was a little careless with the ball and on those plays wasn't holding it tight to his body like he should. I'm not concerned...yet. The coaches will be on him all week and I think he will be more conscious of it plus Kirk benching him sent a message too
Coker will be fine. He fumbled in terrible conditions. Big deal. It happens. Lets see how he bounces back this week before getting up in arms over all of it.
I thought Coker looked awful on Saturday. Compared to McCall, he looked very slow & tentative. He just didn't seem to be the player we saw at the end of last year & against Missouri.

Hopefully, it was just the field conditions & there are not continuing minor injury issues. Coker said after the game that he didn’t get hit much in camp because “I had hurt my shoulder.â€￾ That statement concerns me more than the fumbles. Hopefully, he will not have lingering problems because of last year's broken collarbone.
I agree with ya Ed! Coker had 11 carries and people are writing him off as the Adam Shada of our offense. But just 8 months ago people were comparing him to Shonn Greene
Coker is going to go off on Saturday. He looked rusty at first without much live practice time, but after the fumbles it was obvious that it was all he was thinking about. He is going to clear his mind, wash the game away, and be huge this week.
OMFG!! This season is already in the toilet . . . Coker, more like CHOKER!!11!1 LOL

But, yeah, it showed how little Coach Ferentz was concerned about the fumbling that Coker was right back in after poor McCall got hurt. If Captain Kirk is good with him, I'm good with him.

Not sure I could ever say the same about JC, but that dark chapter of my life is thankfully closed.
It is amazing to me how college football minds change from week to week. Yes he fumbled against Minny, yeah he fumbled twice in a downpour. Remember Mizzou, Coker Pace? It sucks losing McCall, but seriously he is a true frosh that if injured in practice no one would probably be talking about. Oh my God who is Coker's backup? Relax, 2004 ring a bell? Okeefe, JVB/McNutt/Davis/O-line and fill in the blank. We will be fine.

While I agree with you and think that coker will bounce back and remember to hold on to the rock in the future, I don't think you could be more worng about your assessment of McCall. Sure he's only a true freshman, but he was also a freshman that was highly raved about in camp and was also outplaying our starter (whether he could hold on to the ball or not). To say that no one would be talking about this injury if it happened in practice is a joke. The loss is huge and he was going to be a major contributor to our ground game.
When I clicked on this thread I thought it was directed @ Coker like "Coker, calm down!" -he did seem a bit anxious out there.

but I never lost faith, have you ever toted the rock in the rain? even though i do not know why they do not implement the rule to cover it with two hands when running between the tackles.
I'm not at all worried about Coker. Bad games happen. What I an worried about is who can be productive other than Coker.
OMFG!! This season is already in the toilet . . . Coker, more like CHOKER!!11!1 LOL

But, yeah, it showed how little Coach Ferentz was concerned about the fumbling that Coker was right back in after poor McCall got hurt. If Captain Kirk is good with him, I'm good with him.

Not sure I could ever say the same about JC, but that dark chapter of my life is thankfully closed.

To be fair on that front, who else were we really going to put in the game that early, that would be better than Coker?
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My concerns are not with the fumbles, but with two things... 1) injuries and 2) mentality. If he does fumble in the future, and it is likely he will, he can't let that get to him. I think the field conditions, the fumbles and McCall's injuries all go in his head, and we saw a tentative running style. Yes, he should stay safe and yes, he should hold onto the ball, but in doing so, he shouldn't turn into a back who can't get more than 1 yard.

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