Coaching Youth Flag football?


Well-Known Member
So i am coaching my sons youth flag football team and it got me thinking that the great minds on here could help me come up with some great plays to run. NO anexation of Peurto Rico! The rules are 6 on the field, one man in motion at a time, QB can't run. So what ya got? If my team score more than 50, beers for everyone that participates.
it really depends on the age group. 3rd grade and younger, use a lot of misdirection. 4th grade and up, use a short passing game & use the center a lot in the passing game - esp if he's a bigger kid cuz the defense is afraid to go after his flags. statue of liberty play is perfect in 3rd & 4th grade level. where r u coaching? if in iowa, what part of iowa?
it really depends on the age group. 3rd grade and younger, use a lot of misdirection. 4th grade and up, use a short passing game & use the center a lot in the passing game - esp if he's a bigger kid cuz the defense is afraid to go after his flags. statue of liberty play is perfect in 3rd & 4th grade level. where r u coaching? if in iowa, what part of iowa?

1-2nd Graders in NW IA. I have done it before, but it seems not to go so well. The kids have fun, but we don't win a whole lot. I had a kid a few years ago that begged and begged to be QB, everytime I let him throw the ball it was a Stanzi-esque pick six (didn't seem to bother him any) just didn't have the heart to not let him try it more than once, but same result both times. Anyway should be a good time.
Regardless of what you do, take it very seriously. They are potential NFL stars. It is up to you to make them millionaires.
A simple reverse usually works in that age group. Kids that young get going one direction and it's hard for them to understand what's going on and turn around and go the other way.
i coached for years in SW IA.
the key is getting them to have fun have fun in practice and the rest will come. i never focused on winning but rather being a team and having fun. i had the same group of boys for few yrs and the wins happened pretty much on their own. i also gave everyone a chance to play at every position, it helped them learn the game a little more and promoted a team environment. coaching was the most rewarding thing i have ever done.
just have fun and the rest will follow
I've coached soccer and t-ball for a couple years. I'm sitting out football so I can watch my son play. The most important part at that age group is keeping everyone involved and happy. Letting each kid take their turn is essential, also keeps parents happy. The kids are usually no problem, it's the parents. Just have fun and don't yell, just smile. Talking to them one on one also helps them understand better.
recruit an 8th grader from the next town over. glue flags to his belt. run fb dive repeatedly.
So i am coaching my sons youth flag football team and it got me thinking that the great minds on here could help me come up with some great plays to run. NO anexation of Peurto Rico! The rules are 6 on the field, one man in motion at a time, QB can't run. So what ya got? If my team score more than 50, beers for everyone that participates.

Precisely the problem with youth flag football. It's supposed to teach fundamentals. But coaches get caught up in trying to boost their ego with wins. Usually by running funky gadget plays that teach kids nothing.
Keep it simple coach. Teach fundamentals and forget wins/losses.
The parents could be the problem here, but I doubt it for this age group. Coached junior high basketball in Dubuque Catholic League. The parents were the problem. Used to yell at me from the stands. One Father came down and yelled at me during the game.

I agree fundamentals is the key here. That is really what this is for. And fun. And teamwork. Instill a bit of each of these, and i would consider you successful.

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