Coaches Dress Good


Active Member
They sure look the part in those fancy suites. Sherman and Francis need to put their dressing efforts into coaching and recruiting players.
Yep, and act like them too! A lot of people have had a boss that dresses real good but doesn't know their head from their tail...I feel bad for some of the players on this team. They have nobody to teach them. How are our big guys suppose to get better when we don't have a big man to teach them??? Not trying to make excuses for Woodburys bad play but would have been nice to see someone with big man experience teach him and Gabe. But then again, our coaches sure look the part!
Sure wish they could bring on Mr. Davis as a consultant/assistant coach to work with our bigs and give some x and o advice for our half court offense. The motion offense is not the answer right now.
Sure wish they could bring on Mr. Davis as a consultant/assistant coach to work with our bigs and give some x and o advice for our half court offense. The motion offense is not the answer right now.

Ahmen brother. I think the motion offense was the answer in the 80's. Weird thing is, time move on and so did all other D1 programs offenses. Seems like we are stuck in a time warp.

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