Clemmons post game interview


Well-Known Member
Sapp thanked ISU for teaching the Hawks to not let up when you have a big lead. Very proud of this team for learning from adversity and being a better basketball team because of it. I also want to make note of the fact that the coaching staff did a great job with the 9 day lay off. The Hawks were poised all night and were not effected by one of the best home court advantages in college basketball. Great job of completing the sweep of MSU! Next up Michigan! GO HAWKS!!!

rwtsracefan(Dan Wemett)
Very, very impressive by Iowa. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I seriously think these guys might run the gamut & take this thing
Very, very impressive by Iowa. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I seriously think these guys might run the gamut & take this thing

I heard that, when the Big Ten season started, Fran brought out an old Sally Mason cut out. Every time they win, he peels off a piece of clothing. There are just enough pieces to win the Big Ten title.
Very, very impressive by Iowa. Are you thinking what I'm thinking? I seriously think these guys might run the gamut & take this thing

Hope they do but long way to go and Indiana has an absolute CAKE league schedule. They play Maryland, MSU & Purdue one time.
I heard that, when the Big Ten season started, Fran brought out an old Sally Mason cut out. Every time they win, he peels off a piece of clothing. There are just enough pieces to win the Big Ten title.

I think it is with each win, they get to put a piece of clothing back on.
More and more this team is reminding me of the team with Brunner, Horner, Hansen, Henderson and Haluska.

Bad ending but I believe this group of 4 seniors and 1 junior went undefeated at home in conference play and were a 3 seed in the tourney

Mike is the 4 year starter and steady eddie
Henderson and Clemmons are similar role players and good defenders
Haluska = Jok
Uthoff and Brunner don't have really any similarities in terms of their style of play both good players with experience
Hansen = Woodbury... Both stronger on the defensive end. Woody obviously not the shot blocker but still the anchor of the D. Uthoff helps make up for the lack of shot blocking at our current 5 spot.
They also play us twice.

Bet they don't see that as CAKE.

Iowa plays 4 teams from the top half of the conference twice and only 1 team from the bottom half twice. Indiana plays 4 teams from the bottom half twice and only 1 team from the top half.
How happy is Clemmons that he decided to stay and not transfer a couple years ago? I bet he and Fran are pretty darn tight. It's so nice to see a kid that came to a cross roads in his career and decide to take the road less traveled and it work out well for him. He seems like a great guy and Iowa has been a better program for having him a part of it.
Iowa plays 4 teams from the top half of the conference twice and only 1 team from the bottom half twice. Indiana plays 4 teams from the bottom half twice and only 1 team from the top half.

With last night's win and with UM beating MD, I feel much, much better, now, going to MD and IU. At this point, I don't think there is any B1G team that "should" beat Iowa. We aren't going to go undefeated in conference play (are we??) but if we manage to beat MD and split with IU (have to figure IU is going to be ranked at some point) and UM, and with another win against PU, we'd be 7-2 against the upper echelon of the B1G; teams that are probably ranked when we play them. You're talking about a 2 or 3 seed.

BUT....way to much hoops left to play and this team needs to stay focused. If they do, the above is a plausible scenario. Just an excellent and dominant win, last night.
Indiana is wins of note in those 4 IMO. I think they will lose 2 out of 3 road games...Wisconsin, Michigan and Penn State. They end the season with these 7 games.

@ Illinois
@ Iowa

I think they go 11-7 even with the easy schedule.
I heard that, when the Big Ten season started, Fran brought out an old Sally Mason cut out. Every time they win, he peels off a piece of clothing. There are just enough pieces to win the Big Ten title.

I'm afraid I cannot get this image out of my head now. Thanks a lot.
I heard that, when the Big Ten season started, Fran brought out an old Sally Mason cut out. Every time they win, he peels off a piece of clothing. There are just enough pieces to win the Big Ten title.

Interesting. I heard the opposite. Fran brought out a nude Sally Mason cut out. Every time they win they get to cover something up...

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