CJ scuttlebutt

"Lower leg" injury is Plantar Facitis

I was wondering if that was a possibility, along with turf toe or a heel bruise. It is impossible to play basketball effectively with plantar facilities because it severely impairs your ability to cut or move laterally. It is a common injury with runners and even people like mail carriers. When I had a mild case of it I could only run out and back for a month. No left or right turns. If CJ has more than a mild case and is trying to play basketball I can only imagine.

The only treatment for it is rest. He will probably be dealing with it the rest of the season. Trying to go full speed on it could lead to other issues. Theater unfortunate issue is he has had several foot issues since he has been here. Sometimes they go away. Steve Alford had foot issues early in his Indiana career. He probably had them his entire career but was able to play through them as he got older.
I was a track man in college and had two bouts with pf. It is painful as all get out. Everytime you get up on your toes with pressure feels like a needle through the arch of your foot. It only truly heals with complete rest for an extended period.

That said, you really cannot make it worse. Its really a question of pain tolerance for CJ. I suspect he will be a part time performer for the rest of the year if that is what he is battling.
I had that for about 3 years it felt like. It would not go away. And it hurt.

I get occasional I would call them moderate bouts of it and moderate is bad enough for me. This is too bad for him as he was having a very good year. A key member over the long haul. I wonder if they have some foot or arch type supports that at least take some pain away while he plays and practices
Yep, that's what Rob and Scott were saying on their podcast. He's going to have to play thru it all year. Somedays are good, somedays are bad.
I just assume they shoot him up with Demerol like in The Last Boy Scout and make him play through it. It's all about the money. :)
If i recall correctly Mark Gannon and Bobby Hansen were both dealing with PF when Iowa was making its NCAA run in 1982. Then our first and second round games were in Pullman, Washington (where George Raveling then coached) and they had one of those rubber based courts that were popping up in the seventies that were kind of like the artificial turf of basketball courts. They must of been less expensive or gave more consistent bounces, or something.

They were brutal on legs however. Ronnie Lester initially got hurt on a rubber court at Dayton. The original intramural Fieldhouse courts were rubber. The newer courts under the parking ramp, which were built in 1988 or 89, were much nicer.

By the late 80's, early 90's rubber courts at the division 1 level were rapidly getting phased out. One of the last ones I remember play city rec on was the old Loras College Fieldhouse.

The Loras Graber Center still has them, however. So does the UW Platteville Williams Fieldhouse, down on the lower level where the pickup games and club tournaments are held.

My nephew once severely sprained his ankle at Graber. My daughter got a severe concussion on one of those courts that cause a bruised retina and blinded her in one eye for six weeks
If i recall correctly Mark Gannon and Bobby Hansen were both dealing with PF when Iowa was making its NCAA run in 1982. Then our first and second round games were in Pullman, Washington (where George Raveling then coached) and they had one of those rubber based courts that were popping up in the seventies that were kind of like the artificial turf of basketball courts. They must of been less expensive or gave more consistent bounces, or something.

They were brutal on legs however. Ronnie Lester initially got hurt on a rubber court at Dayton. The original intramural Fieldhouse courts were rubber. The newer courts under the parking ramp, which were built in 1988 or 89, were much nicer.

By the late 80's, early 90's rubber courts at the division 1 level were rapidly getting phased out. One of the last ones I remember play city rec on was the old Loras College Fieldhouse.

The Loras Graber Center still has them, however. So does the UW Platteville Williams Fieldhouse, down on the lower level where the pickup games and club tournaments are held.

My nephew once severely sprained his ankle at Graber. My daughter got a severe concussion on one of those courts that cause a bruised retina and blinded her in one eye for six weeks
Wow. News to me. I think our elementary school has that surface.

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