

I went to the game last night. I enjoy watching the Hawks and Fran's style of play. I do think there were some bs calls, but won't put all the blame on the refs. I thought Cartwright made a ton of stupid mistakes in the second half. The first half he passed the ball and ran the offense well. In the second half, he was a completely different player. It seemed he thought he was the only one on the team that could score, he wasn't passing, forcing stupid shots, driving and losing the ball. I just think he played pathetically in the second half and down the stretch.
Cartwright is a 4 minute player. Meaning he struggles after 4 consecutive minutes played, unless he does something really good within the first minute or so, which he did in the first half. For all those that think we don't need Cully, think again, we need a true PG to run this team.
Reason why you can never have to many ball handlers. Right now and you will see it in Big Ten play. Teams are just going to try and stop Cartwright and will stall our offense at times for sure. When he is going good our off is going good.
I do not think that he was the only one that made stupid moves in the second half. He is an explosive player and adds a dimension to the team that we badly need. Not sure why one would focus just on him when bad decisions were made across the board by the team.
I do not think that he was the only one that made stupid moves in the second half. He is an explosive player and adds a dimension to the team that we badly need. Not sure why one would focus just on him when bad decisions were made across the board by the team.

Well the negative Nancy's couldn't pick on Gatens, so had to pick someone.
yes I'm not too sure about his basketball IQ.

how many other Hawkeyes can beat their man off the dribble and create some easy baskets for their teammates? He will continue to develop because he is the most talented point guard the Hawks have, however he would not be starting for the elite Big Ten teams
Going to reserve judgment on this subject until later on this season. He made some fantastic passes showing great vision as well some head scratchers last night vs ISU. Not sure if that is a result of this 4 minute player that was alluded to earlier in this thread or if he just needs more time to gel with the current cast of players.

I do feel he gives IA a better chance to win than Cully.
At times Cartwright falls in love with dribbling the basketball. There were several sets in the second half where he dribbled the ball around the perimeter for 10 seconds or more and accomplished nothing. It made the offense stale. You have to move the ball, and other than driving right to the rim, the best way to do that is via the pass.
Going to reserve judgment on this subject until later on this season. He made some fantastic passes showing great vision as well some head scratchers last night vs ISU. Not sure if that is a result of this 4 minute player that was alluded to earlier in this thread or if he just needs more time to gel with the current cast of players.

I do feel he gives IA a better chance to win than Cully.

Well, if you are going to reserve judgment on Cartwright then you should on Payne as well. It is well documented that Payne was not healthy to start the season, but tried to play through it and couldn't in the end. If you look at his play last year he had nobody behind him, think if he wasn't on the roster last year. Payne was the first freshman PG to not have more turnovers than assists for some time.
On Cartwright he has to have good things happen early or he struggles. I like his overall gameN but he is not a true PG, not a bad thing. When bad things happen that is when he makes the silly turnovers. If he struggles in the first few minutes Iowa needs a timeout, like they did at 9-2 or he needs to sit for a couple, but Marble struggled at the PG position last night and Bryce was forced to play and not get much of a chance to gather himself. Bryce was not the only one that was making some poor decisions last night, May and Cole were off as well.
If Payne is truly healthy and from what I saw of him last year he still gives Iowa the best chance to win.
Cartwright is the best option we have and he will still be the best option when Cully is healthy.

Yes. More importantly, when he has to break down the defense with 10 seconds left on the playclock, he can do it. If/when Cully comes backthis year, even better for us.
I agree with previous posters it's impossible to judge Payne when he was injured.

Cartwright does get a little sloppy at times but I actually thought he got sloppy when others guys weren't moving or getting open so he tried to create on his own. At other times he seemed to get tunnel vision and would look for one player and another would be wide open and completely miss him. Hopefully he learns as he gets more comfortable.
Good thread.

I agree with both, a.) he makes his own shot, is jet-fast, can break down a defense, brings athleticism not seen since Ronnie Lester or Dean Oliver, and, is better than Payne, and/but

b.) he seems to have about a 4-minute half-life before his negatives begin outweighing the positives. At one point last night, he was 1/8 in FG's. He was a turnover machine in the 2nd half.

I'll withold judgment until he plays more in the system.
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The things that frustrate me about Cartwright are this:
1. Pick up the dribble in no man's land and then travels.
2. Drives, but makes the easy pass hard and either it is a 2 ft. pass with no room or he throws it out of bounds.
3. Anytime he shoots a 3-pointer
Keep in mind these are things that he can fix, it isn't like he is a guy that I can say will not be a quality player. The bad is that he is a Junior and it will take most of this season to get the JUCO out of him.
There is a lot to like about Cartwright, the easy things seem to be hard at times for him. He is quick, he plays defense and can get to the rim, but he needs to work on his finish there. Iowa as a team against ISU was bothered by Vanderbeeken and that is not good when he doesn't compare to the good big guys in the Big Ten.
He needs to clean up a couple things offensively. First, as somebody mentioned he over-dribbles at times. He needs to be more decisive with the ball and the offense. Second, he needs to get more comfortable running the break. He made some bad decisions on the fastbreak.

The good is that he is an explosive players, with a strong frame, that can finish at the basket and draw fouls (oh yeah he needs to shoot free throws better). He has above average handles. I think he is also a gamer, competes hard, and isn't afraid of the moment.

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