Canzeri coming out for a "breather"-come on


Well-Known Member
Sometime in the first half I think it was Canzeri had one or two good runs, a 5 yarder and maybe a 7-8 yarder, and then he came out of the game.

The announcer innocently said something like "Canzeri out for the breather" but that isnt the reason.

I really would have liked to see Canzeri get a workload on a drive except for maybe a 3rd or 4th and one play.

And even at that I think Canzeri should get his 3rd and short chances.

Anybody else remember this sequence? Canzeri seemed to just be getting and finding his cutbacks.
I get your point, but I'm giving the staff the benefit of the doubt on this one. This year to me has looked like classic rb by committee, as inspired by the NFL. I think its a reaction to the old paradigm, which was find your horse, ride him to a bloody pulp through the first half of the season, and then your backup becomes the horse for the second half of the season while you hope your original horse bounces back to 100% for the bowl.

In b10 country where most of the later season games will be cold, I'm in favor of saving wear & tear on our best backs early.
I have to think this RB by committee is Chris White's deal and KF is letting him run with it. When Wegher and Robinson were sharing duties, they rotated quarters unless one was tired or hurt. I like that much better than this crap. Do what you do on 3rd down with Bullock, I like that, but give Canzeri and Weisman a quarter of series to get in a groove a bit and get a feel for what the defense is doing.

I don't think the guys have been as productive with a carry here and a carry there. Look at Wisconsin does...enough said. Can we trade for one of their guys by the way?
I remember the sequence the OP is referring to and I thought the same thing. He was certainly winded though. KF has commented a couple times now about Canzeri being hurt since Aug camp so conditioning is probably and issue for him while resting whatever it is.
Just get thru this weekend with our RBs still healthy, and with another week off maybe Jordan can get healthier. I agree that having our rbs healthy in November, without losing any Big Ten games is a good position for Iowa. Weisman can be our cruncher in short yardage and around the goal line, and Jordan can be our workhorse back between the 20's....during that last 5 game sprint thru our border rivals.
I think the RBs are being used in situations/packages as much as they are any kind of rotation. Weisman is obviously being used in most short yardage situations be it 3rd or 4th and short/goal line. Bullock on 3rd downs for the most part. I feel bad for Daniels he's clearly the odd man out and he may have the most potential as a complete back that they have. (maybe not catching the ball so much I seem to remember him dropping a few) I certainly think Canzeri can have a heavier work load then what he's had and it'd be nice to see him get more touches. There's just only so many to go around.
I appreciate Wiseman and what he has accomplished. However getting a true RB that can make house calls from anywhere on the field can't get here soon enough..