Can we talk football??


New Member
So Hawkeye fan, fill us Huskers in on football in the Big Ten. Which stadiums offer an awesome game day experience? Which stadiums are hardest to play at? Do you have teams that run the spread? How do your recruits look for 2011? Do you all expect Michigan to rise back up? What would you say is unique about football in the Big Ten? Etc, etc, etc.

We're excited to learn more. Let's talk football!!
So Hawkeye fan, fill us Huskers in on football in the Big Ten. Which stadiums offer an awesome game day experience? Which stadiums are hardest to play at? Do you have teams that run the spread? How do your recruits look for 2011? Do you all expect Michigan to rise back up? What would you say is unique about football in the Big Ten? Etc, etc, etc.

We're excited to learn more. Let's talk football!!

I would say Kinnick is a tough place to play, and OSU, PSU can get crazy. I've never been but heard that Wisky's is average and leaves something to be desired (may be due to their losing). Michigan is historic as well.
Michigan is a spread team and Illinois tries. Everyone else has a more pro-style based. Not sure what you call Indiana's offense.

I would say Nebraska is more intuned to the Big ten than Big 12 with their style of play. Defense and pro-style O.

I'm not sure Michigan will be a perennial power house, but they'll be better than they have been the past few years.

Not sure what is going to be unique after the expansion. I'll get back to ya.
Not a lot of spread offenses. November games in cities like Minneapolis, Madison, Ann Arbor, State College, Columbus, Chicago, etc., won't really allow it. There are variations of it at Michigan, Illinois and Ohio State. Purdue had the high flying Tiller show that was successful. But bottom-line, if you can't run the football or play good defense, you won't survive in the Big 10. Of all Big 12 teams, Nebraska is easily the closest in style to Big 10 teams and will have no problems adapting.

Jury is still out on Michigan, but I don't think RR will survive. I think he's a marked man and the natives are waiting for one bad season to let him go so they can let Bo rest in peace by hiring a Michigan guy.

Toughest places to play would probably be (in no order and just my opinion) Wisconsin, Penn State, Iowa and Ohio State. You will truly enjoy the atmosphere of an Iowa game. The tailgating is unreal.
Mad town (Madison Wisc) is probably top 10 places to see a football game in all of college sports, especially when you consider all the bars and nighlife on State Street. Plus Wisonsin beer is like moonshine, i think its 6.0 point up there.

As far as road trips you can skip Champaign (the town itself is a giant shithole) and West Lafeyete. I'd recommend a road trip to NW. Their stadium is junk but they never sell out so it's an easy ticket plus you are in Chicago for the weekend which is nice.

Penn State is a great place to go and the stadim is great, its just damn hard to get there. It's too far to drive and the nearest major airport is like 2 hours away by car so it ends up like planes trains and automoblies just to get there.

Kinnick of course is a party but it's a tough ticket.
So Hawkeye fan, fill us Huskers in on football in the Big Ten. Which stadiums offer an awesome game day experience? Which stadiums are hardest to play at? Do you have teams that run the spread? How do your recruits look for 2011? Do you all expect Michigan to rise back up? What would you say is unique about football in the Big Ten? Etc, etc, etc.

We're excited to learn more. Let's talk football!!

Michigan's coach is a tool. They'll rise again because they're Michigan (like you did because you're Nebraska) but it won't be with Rich Rod. Think Bill Callahan (sorry for the flashback.)

Most Big Ten teams really emphasize defense (aside from Purdue, which runs a spread style offense.) It's why we get knocked by the media as "slow" and all of that crap but also why we often do well against the "speed" teams in the bowl games. You should enjoy the style of play.

I'd say the toughest stadiums are Ohio State, Penn State, Iowa, and perhaps Wisconsin. Michigan is pretty tough at home too but the stadium really isn't as intimidating as it should be with 100K plus. It's kind of spread out, not as loud as it should be. OSU, Camp Randall (Wisconsin), Kinnick, Penn State get louder than hell.

Northwestern is like a high school stadium. You guys will paint that place red I'm sure.
So...the basic philosophy is to...Run the ball...Stop the run...Win the game...this is a philosophy that many of us Huskers hold near to our hearts and desperately want/need to get back to
Great places to see a game, Iowa, OSU, PSU, Wisky. Michigan from what I've heard and has been posted above should be better for being that large. Easy places to score a ticket for an away game are NW, Indiana, Purdue, and Illannoy, which should tell you about the experience. I don't know about the new Gopher stadium but games at the Metrodome were great for us and I'm sure Husker fans would show up in droves there also. MSU looks like it should be great on TV, but can't tell you anything about them.

When you come to Kinnick make sure you bring enough supplies for tailgating before AND after the game. The looks Texas fans gave me and a bunch of other ex-Iowans when we were tailgating after a UT-Colorado game were great. They just didn't understand why we weren't going home after the game.
So Hawkeye fan, fill us Huskers in on football in the Big Ten. Which stadiums offer an awesome game day experience? Which stadiums are hardest to play at? Do you have teams that run the spread? How do your recruits look for 2011? Do you all expect Michigan to rise back up? What would you say is unique about football in the Big Ten? Etc, etc, etc.

We're excited to learn more. Let's talk football!!

Just my opinion.

I haven't been to all the stadiums and tailgated so I cannot say anything on that matter

Toughest places to play in the B10

1. OSU(yes it is hard to win there...they don't lose there often)
2. Penn St.(intimidating to everyone except Iowa and OSU apparently)
3. Iowa(Kinnick...Forcier said he never gets rattled...until he played at Iowa)
4. Wisky(call them Wisky...they love it)
5. Michigan(Is said to be quiet despite size)
6. Michigan St.(I don't know what to say really...nice people I hear good things about the stadium)
7. Purdue(a decent place to play when they are good...and they can be again)
8-11. No need to mention them really

NW plays p***y ball and so does Purdue a little bit but not quite like they did under Tiller. Don't sleep on NW they can beat you with it!!! I will repeat that...don't sleep on NW!!! OSU, Iowa, and Wisky know all too well about that. OSU has formations of p***y ball but they are OSU and can do whatever they want and usually be successful. Minnesota tries and failing and PSU will have years where they revert back to p***y ball and then back to more traditional offenses. Indiana does as well sometimes and are actually a team with a good offense but you have to be good on Defense to win in the B10 so they usually fail too. Iowa and OSU both did poorly on offense last year finishing in the lower half of the conference and yet they both still went to BCS games. Offenses looked good for both teams in thier bowl games and I think it's because the defenses that the B10 fields are pretty tough. Defense should not be underestimated in this league.

We actually get better recruits than people give Iowa credit for every year...but since we are Iowa people remain surprised when we finish the season in the top 10 like we have done 4 times this decade. It's funny because EVERY year Kirk Herbstriet sounds so surprised that Iowa has a good defense...It's almost like he forgets that he was also surprised the 7 consecutive years before that too.

Yes Michigan will be back and be very good at some point it. When they are good they are very good.

Football in the Big Ten is about Defense, Defense, Defense. True fans love defense as much as Offense if not more(I like D more)...something that most teams in the PAC-10/BE/B12 seem to have forgotten.
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Husker fans,

Aren't you glad you guys got away from Texass? God. The rest of the Big(10)XII is just bending over and taking it from those gluttonous pigs.

Welcome to a real conference.
Husker fans,

Aren't you glad you guys got away from Texass? God. The rest of the Big(10)XII is just bending over and taking it from those gluttonous pigs.

Welcome to a real conference.

Watching what is currently happening in the Big12 is like watching a dictatorship emerge. The rest of the conference is unwilling to stand up to Texas out of pure fear. If that conference makes it through the next couple weeks it is going to be absurd the disparity that conference is going to breed.
Nebraska fans should love playing football in the Big Ten. Some things you might hear when you join is that the Big Ten is "slow" and "plodding" which isn't true as you will soon find out. ESPN liked to paint that picture on the BigTen the last couple years.
So...the basic philosophy is to...Run the ball...Stop the run...Win the game...this is a philosophy that many of us Huskers hold near to our hearts and desperately want/need to get back to

Um, not so fast. We aren't run only. We are more balanced attacks that us the Tight End as a blocker and receiver. Remember, we have had some guys that have been pretty awesome receivers in this league.

About places to play.

1. OSU - Hands down. Walls just seem to go straight up and the noise is relentless.
After that Camp Randall, Kinnick and Happy Valley for different reasons. Camp Randall, because it is big and loud and the croud can get very lubricated. Kinnick, because the fans can reach out and touch you. Happy Valley, because they are nuts and there are a million of them.

Like everyone said, Michigan is bizarre in how unintimidating it can be for that many people. You all hope Illinoying ends up in a different division, no reason to go to that hole. We don't know about TCB yet. But the Metrodome was known as Kinnick North.

Michigan State is cool on a packed day, but the team needs to be doing well, or they lose interest fast. I am not as down on West Lafayette as others, but nothing special. Indiana is a basketball school.

Everyone is right about Northwestern. You go there because it is a cheap ticket and you take over Chicago for the weekend. And yes, Chicago is awesome if you do it right.

The important thing to remember is that, with the possible exception of CBus, we all like to party together before and after the game, for the most part. We like to really talk football and get to know the ins and outs of our teams. It might be disoncerting at first as you come from a conference where rival fans actually tear each others' scrotums (you know of what I talk.)
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Watching what is currently happening in the Big12 is like watching a dictatorship emerge. The rest of the conference is unwilling to stand up to Texas out of pure fear. If that conference makes it through the next couple weeks it is going to be absurd the disparity that conference is going to breed.


I'm actually disappointed that the rest of the Big12 didn't give the Horns a big FU, and stand up for themselves, even though they were in a weak position. It would have been impressive to see them show some balls.

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