Can RB Depth force Changes


Well-Known Member
I thought that our depth at RB could force changes in the positions of other players. I almost feel like if the Coaching staff is high on JVB and Rudock then AJ Derby has to change positions to LB or Safety. This might allow Hitchens (who showed his skills to the coaches at RB and LB/Safety this year) to become a full-time RB to give some depth in case our RB injury bug rears its head again. When you have the versatility of AJ Derby I don't see how they can't look at this as a viable option. What are the thoughts. This would mainly be if you don't see Hitchens becoming a starter with the emergence of other DBs and LBs and if Coe or McCall or Johnson don't live up to the billing.
If Rudock pans out to be as good as we think he will be then please move Derby so he can get on the field. It would be a shame for him to hold a clip board for his career.
I'm not in charge (obviously), but I think Derby ends up switching, simply because he's got a much better chance of making an impact on defense. Rudock appears to be the next in line after JVB, and if we also manage to land Zeke Pike in the next class, Derby would be looking at a very tough road on the way to lining up under center.
Let's not color Jake Rudock Black and Gold just yet.

It sounds like Al Golden is making a hard push to get young Mr. Rudock to change his mind about Iowa and come play for him at Miami. I've also read that Jake's father is applying pressure to switch his commitment as well.
I hope he ends up with us, but won't be surprised if he ends up at Miami.

So AJ may get his chance to be the next Brad Banks (wouldn't that be nice?)
On a related note, do we have anyone at fullback other than Rogers and
Reisen? Seems like there is an opportunity there if someone wanted to change positions.
On a related note, do we have anyone at fullback other than Rogers and
Reisen? Seems like there is an opportunity there if someone wanted to change positions.

I thought I read Gimm was working at FB during bowl practices too.
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BnG4me- Are you close friends with Rudock's family or who exactly did you hear this from? For someone to say you have "heard" Rudock's father is pushing him to go to Miami you are either extremely gullable or you should have a legitimate source. As far as I know, the only thing anyone knows is that Golden has expressed interest in him (can't really blame the guy). Outside of that, everything is just heresay and it's ridiculous for people to continue contributing to the rumors.

Unless he has come out and said that, I have an extremely hard time believing any father is going to encourage his son to pull out of a commitment that he made for a number of different reasons. I'm sure his Dad would like for him to be closer to home but I've heard the family would have zero trouble traveling to catch Jake's games.

I apologize if I've offended you with my post. I should have chosen my words more carefully.

You're correct in that I haven't heard anything directly from the Rudock family about their son's intentions in regards to his verbal commitment to Iowa. All I was doing was passing on things that I've read (not heard) on sites like this and others.

In regards to rumors circulating about Jake Rudock's father; I find it extremely easy to believe that a father would want his son to not only stay close to home for college, but to play football for a school that has the national cache of Miami. I know that they're not the program that they once were, but the name still carries weight.

Anyway, the only point I was trying to make is that we shouldn't count on ANY young man who has verbally committed to Iowa being part of the team until he signs a LOI and show's up in Iowa City. History has shown that verbal commitments are easily changed.

I apologize if I've offended you with my post. I should have chosen my words more carefully.

You're correct in that I haven't heard anything directly from the Rudock family about their son's intentions in regards to his verbal commitment to Iowa. All I was doing was passing on things that I've read (not heard) on sites like this and others.

In regards to rumors circulating about Jake Rudock's father; I find it extremely easy to believe that a father would want his son to not only stay close to home for college, but to play football for a school that has the national cache of Miami. I know that they're not the program that they once were, but the name still carries weight.

Anyway, the only point I was trying to make is that we shouldn't count on ANY young man who has verbally committed to Iowa being part of the team until he signs a LOI and show's up in Iowa City. History has shown that verbal commitments are easily changed.

This was my post over on HI. Pretty much sums up the whole Jake/Miami fiasco:

I think most of what you are hearing from the Rudock family regarding Miami is just lip service to the home team.* From everything I have read, Jake still looks solid with us and here is why.* Golden met with Dorsett, Rudock, and others on the St Aquinas football team on Tuesday.* It was not a home visit but rather Al set up at the high school and met with the players.* On Thursday it was reported that O'Keefe flew down to Florida Wednesday, met with Jake at home, had dinner, and watched the Florida football championship with Jake and the family.* They discussed the game, what Jake saw in the defense, and then went over Iowa's style and such.* Later that day an article about Dorsett came out after Golden had met with the team.* The reporter asked Dorsett about Jake and another player on the team and he stated that both Jake and the other guy, although impressed by Al, stated that neither were going to visit Miami and they both remain very solid with their current commitments.* The article in the Miami Herald was released yesterday but it did not reference that Jake had still said no visit to Al.* It's also worth noting that Kirk is scheduled to fly down to Florida later this month and have an in home visit with Jake as well.* Put this all together with the quotes from Jake's father saying that Jake will not be taking any other visits and that Jake is happy with his pick and what Iowa offers in the pre-med area and it really looks like there is nothing more to this whole fiasco.
There's depth at RB? Since when? Last game I saw there was only Coker. There is projected depth at RB but that is it.
Rudock has been quoted in newspapers a couple times recently that he is SOLID. From the horse's mouth. Of course, anything can happen before signing day, but there doesn't appear to be much to worry about.

But I think its crazy for people to act like he is the next sure thing when he hasn't even stepped on campus.
There's depth at RB? Since when? Last game I saw there was only Coker. There is projected depth at RB but that is it.


My question is this about the running back depth or LACK there of at Iowa... if you are one of the top running back recruits in the country why wouldnt you call up Kirk and see what transpires... We all know how Iowa likes to run, this could be a golden opportunity for someone to share carries with Coker.

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