Cam Newton Thread


Well-Known Member
Looks like this Cam Newton thing has really gotten bigger than Rogers had hoped. Personally I think that Rogers may have been trying to get some coin by selling Cam Newton but I really don't think the kid had anything to do with it and I have my doubts about his dad too.

If I was a betting person (which I am) then I would lay odds that this was a plan cooked up by Rogers and delivered to Bell without authorization. Rogers and Bell played college ball together so I would bet that Rogers felt pretty comfortable that Bell would keep it amongst themselves....wrong.

I love this part of the story: Bell said he kept Rogers' text message on his old cell phone, which was damaged by water, but he is currently trying to retrieve the text message through his cell service provider. Yeah good luck with that.

This story just needs to go away.
Auburn could face a USC type of situation in not only forfeiting games, but losing some serious schollies if indeed the NCAA gave them warning and they proceeded anyway. if not, the school itself may escape punishment, we'll have to see. this specific situation may just finally blow the lid off what's been happening for some time now, but i doubt the NCAA is resilient enough to really tackle the situation at the source. this, i'm sure, is small time stuff compared to what happens on the basketball side of things.
• The people above are on tape explaining who they paid and how they did it.
• It involves many AU players
• Providing unmarked Colonial Bank ATM cards to players to withdraw
money from secret accounts.
• Giving “slot machine cards†to the players, which now involves the
Alabama Gaming Commission.
• Provided improper loans to some of the families in our last and
current recruiting class.
• The NCAA “strongly†recommended that AU sit Cam for GA. game because
of the mounting evidence.
• President Grogue wanted to sit Cam but was overruled by Louder and
the Board of Trustees.
• Coach Chizik knows none of this and has been lied to by Jacobs.
• The people named above know the S%#& is going to hit the fan “big
time†and have decided “we’re going down†so lets win the title even
if they take it away later.
• Slive knew about this early and sat on the information and is also
in the “crosshairs†of the FBI..
• The corruption is so deep at the highest level (trustees) that AU
will be evicted from kicked out of the SEC.
• This will be revealed by the end of the week.

If the above is true, Auburn needs the Death Pentalty like SMU.
Auburn won't get kicked out of the SEC. Probation is like a badge of office down there. The death penalty would be like the Medal of Honor.
By far the most compelling piece in that whole article is the timeline between when MSU notified the SEC of the potential PFP scheme and the NCAA conducting their investigation. As you will read in the thread, the wiretaps and all other information surrounding the FBI investigation were sealed while the Grand Jury was considering indictments of potential parties. Once the GJ process was over, this story took on a life of it's own. It will be amazing to find out that the FBI "backdoored" into one of the biggest college football stories in the last three decades.
Wow, quite a stack piling up. Could the death penalty be on the horizon?
This is big stuff...and a lot of it.
It's funny, several years ago when Alabama went on probation, I remember a senior NCAA official saying that was the closest they had come to to issuing the Death Penalty ruling since SMU. I bet the NCAA smells what's in the Bama air and they come off extra hard on Auburn(if what was above turns out to be true).
I love this part of the story: Bell said he kept Rogers' text message on his old cell phone, which was damaged by water, but he is currently trying to retrieve the text message through his cell service provider. Yeah good luck with that.

Not exactly a far-fetched plan. When a text is sent from one phone to another, a digital copy is made of it and kept in an archive at the service provider's facility. There was a lot of talk about that when the whole warrantless wire-tapping thing came down because AT&T was releasing cell phone records and text messages to the government with no warrant and no notification to the customers. If Bell can remember when the text came in (and for an older guy I bet it's easier than for someone who sends 100 texts a day), his provider should have no trouble retrieving it.
Looks like this Cam Newton thing has really gotten bigger than Rogers had hoped. Personally I think that Rogers may have been trying to get some coin by selling Cam Newton but I really don't think the kid had anything to do with it and I have my doubts about his dad too.

If I was a betting person (which I am) then I would lay odds that this was a plan cooked up by Rogers and delivered to Bell without authorization. Rogers and Bell played college ball together so I would bet that Rogers felt pretty comfortable that Bell would keep it amongst themselves....wrong.

I love this part of the story: Bell said he kept Rogers' text message on his old cell phone, which was damaged by water, but he is currently trying to retrieve the text message through his cell service provider. Yeah good luck with that.

This story just needs to go away.

No offense, but you are very naive if you don't think something happened here. I have no doubt Cecil Newton asked for money. I believe Cam probably had nothing to do with it (maybe he knew, maybe not), but his dad ran the show. Regardless this makes him ineligible and I think Auburn is willing to sell their soul for a title. Unfortunately they will lose to Alabama, then Cam will be suspended for the SEC title game or the bowl game, he will leave school, play in the NFL and make $180,000/week. Auburn will go on probation for a long time and Chizik will beg to become an assistant to Paul Rhodes, but be denied.
I guess I don't understand how anyone can argue that he didn't know what his dad was doing as a legit defense. If that excuse flies with the NCAA, everyone and their mom (literally) will be asking for money and then just plead that the player knew nothing about it.
Check out this post I got from Bucknuts. The poster over there supposedly got it from a Bama board. I tried to find the actual post but it may have been deleted.

* Aubarn has more to worry about than CAM. This has been around in different forms and I think the Feds are going to clean house here.

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Posted: Today 10:23 AM
Check out this post from another Bama site
Of course, take it with a grain of salt. It does talk about things that I've suspected throughout this whole ordeal. Again, TIFWIW:

Only Going to Post Here Once
by Gilbert_Grape » Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:28 am
Take this for what it is worth. I'm just an old guy who knows little and remembers even less, but I've been around enough times to know what to believe and what not to believe.

I've been reading this forum off and on, but have never posted here. I don't plan on posting here again, but I do want to make my one post count.

To begin, those of you who are jumping ship because there is no damning evidence thus far, man up and be patient. Rome wasn't built in a day, and the barn won't burn faster just because you want it to. Trust me, though- it will burn.

My credentials are this: I know people who are in position to know things because I used to be one of those "in the know". I was involved in the initial investigation at SMU, not as a University official but as an NCAA pencil pusher. Right now, I have one son teaching at *** and another in the athletic department at Auburn (I also have a cousin who was once employed by Auburn, but he has since cut ties with them after a falling out a few years ago). Finally, my neighbor and closest friend started as a CART agent with the FBI and does work with AccessData's FTK on the side (he's the guy who proves you visited those websites you lied to your wife about). I say all of that to say this: I consider myself well-connected. That does not mean, however, that I will defend to the death my sources. Anyone offering "insider" information, unless they are actively involved, is only doing so out of good faith to their sources and a belief that they can contribute in some way. This is where I stand.

(1)Cam Newton: Unless he stands at a podium and flashes cash, he's playing against Bama. However, his ineligibility is guaranteed. Auburn knows this, the SEC knows this, the NCAA knows this, and Cam (should) know this. This is the least of Auburn's worries because,
(2) Auburn is going down. Cam is essentially a diversion. Let me repeat myself again: CAM Is ESSENTIALLY A DIVERSION. There was a slush fund, and this fund was accessed by Auburn players through ATM cards. The paper trail will show this. The FBI is offering unbelievable deals for those who talk. Unfortunately, those in the know have to keep hush-hush while people are talking because this is a federal investigation, which is why
(3) This has taken so long. It is a process, people. The NCAA and others are not just sitting on their thumbs. It's like being in line at McDonald's- no matter how fast you want to move, you have to wait on the folks in front of you. Auburn knows this, and the mood in the Barn offices is gloomy at best. There is concern over heavy, heavy penalties, including loss of SACS and the NCAA Death Penalty. However,
(4) Auburn will not be given the Death Penalty, and it's extremely unlikely that it will lose SACS. The Alabama legislature and governor are willing to do whatever it takes to keep Auburn open and funded. The last time Auburn was in trouble with SACS, the governor begged for them to be spared. That won't work this time, but that is because the Alabama legislature is going to
(5) Clean house at Auburn. The BOT will be made up of congressman (if certain folks have their way), and no one other than academic deans will retain administrative positions. The state of Alabama, ***, and the SEC NEED Auburn open, which is partly why
(6) Auburn will (almost certainly) not receive the Death Penalty. This is the only part of my information that I wish I felt more comfortable about. There is talk among those in the NCAA office of TV blackouts, scholly reductions in the 50+ (over at least 4 years) range, limits on assistants, and a revocation of almost all recruiting rights. Monstrous fines will be levied as well. This brings me to my last point,
(7) Most of the Auburn folks were grossly unaware of any of this. Chizik's reputation is dead amongst many boosters and faculty. There was a meeting at an airport to discuss what everyone (boosters, admins, etc.) knew, and as the meeting went on, anger turned to fear, fear turned to rage, and rage turned into disbelief. It was during this meeting that possible implications on SACS was brought up, during which point near panic ensued. The Auburn folks are waiting on the hammer, when they should be preparing for the bomb.

So, take all of this with a grain (or truckload) of salt. I won't post again, so don't post anything expecting a reply from me. Forget about all of this crap with "a big story coming in X days"- there is no timetable for this. Expect this to go slowly, and expect Auburn to finish its season with no NCAA/SEC intervention. Once again, I am passing along information that I trust- what you do with it is your choice.
Wow. If that's all true, then this is going to get interesting.

I was going for "Understatement of the Decade" :D
All that is going on is one reason why they chose Chizik to be the coach. He knew all that stuff was going on when he was there before as coordinator. Keep the circle closed.
I am amazed that Bobby Lowder and Jimmy Rane are still on Auburn's board of trustees. Colonial Bank failed in 2009 - the 6th largest failure in U.S. history - and disclosed publicly that it is under federal investigation for criminal wrongdoing.

From the thread, a partial list of AU’s BoT when all of this was supposedly going down:

Bobby Lowder
John CH Miller, Jr
Earlon C. McWHorter
Jimmy Rane
Paul Spina

Now lthe Colonial BancGroup Board of Directors the last full year of Operation December 31, 2007:

Bobby Lowder (Chairman and CEO)
John CH Miller, Jr
Jimmy Rane
Paul Spina - Montgomery, Al. Bank Chairman
Milton McGregor
Pat Dye (former Auburn coach and current employee)

It is McGregor who's been wiretapped by the FBI for the last year... and this is why Auburn people are terrified.
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