BTN Orange Bowl


Well-Known Member
They've been advertising replaying all the big bowl wins all week including the Orange, but it's not on their programming schedule. I'm watching the Rose Bowl now, and luckily I can watch it two more times today. Awesome.
I'm confused too.
I'm thinking maybe they will show it on Sunday and just have sloppy editors proofreading the promos so it sounds like it will be on Saturday.
Why advertise that you're going to show it and then you don't? How many other networks do that?

P.S. The cardinals bullpen is going to keep them out of the playoffs.
I happened to be watching some of the Bowl Replays yesterday and was thinking the exact same thing. I went through the entire weeks worth of programming and didn't see it on once. I was ****** they were advertising for it, but not actually showing it. Big mess-up on their part.
i saw this as well- was hoping that they just made a listing mistake but that wasn't the case either. interesting that they put the effort into advertising it but not actually have it in their programming line up.

where's all the people who were mad about the web tagging issue with the so miss logo hat accidentally placed in the iowa merchandise... this warrants action WAY more than that stupid merchandise mistake.
If you really want it, you can download the HD (720p) version from

I think it's for sale on iTunes too...
I emailed the BTN and this was there response:

Thanks for the email. The Big Ten Network recently aired four of the seven Big Ten bowl games from last year. Unfortunately, the BCS owns the inherent television rights to the 2010 Orange Bowl, and thereby we were unable to include Iowa’s win over Georgia Tech on Saturday’s schedule. We apologize if the advertisement was misleading and for any inconvenience this may have caused. We hope to air the remaining three bowl games in the near future. Please refer to our online programming schedule for future dates and times.

Thanks again for taking the time to write.


The Big Ten Network

I emailed the BTN and this was there response:

Thanks for the email. The Big Ten Network recently aired four of the seven Big Ten bowl games from last year. Unfortunately, the BCS owns the inherent television rights to the 2010 Orange Bowl...

Seems to me the BCS would own the same rights with the Rose Bowl and yet they are showing that game?
Seems to me the BCS would own the same rights with the Rose Bowl and yet they are showing that game?

My guess is that Big Ten (and thus, BTN) has TV contract with ABC/ESPN. So..I would further guess that said contract includes re-broadcast rights. Hence, we haven't seen the game vs. ISU (also on Fox/affiliates) re-broadcast, either.