Well-Known Member
Chuck Long is joining as a studio analyst.
BTN announces on-air talent roster for 2012 season « Big Ten Network
BTN announces on-air talent roster for 2012 season « Big Ten Network
Charissa is hot as hell!!!! Hope she is still around for eye candy.
Anyone know his personal grooming methods?
You hoping to learn new tricks or wanting to share yours?
You hoping to learn new tricks or wanting to share yours?
Freak, why didn't you take this chance to remind young boat that you and I went to school with Chuckie, and that while talented and quasi-famous, he was just another student on campus to us. He went to bars, was late to class on occasion, and dressed preppy just like we did. AND he used the footbridges to cross the river, because he was not in fact able to walk on water like some of these Tavern Hokks believe.
You mean LIE!! I could never do that! CHUCK WAS THE BOMB!
And about that Tavern Hawk thing.....
What are you saying? Have you been misleading me all this time?? I thought you graduated Iowa around the time I did???
I bet you don't even have red hair.