Brown: Relishing Dick Vitale's Return

He's a Prime Time Player, Baybee

He brought a ton of color to college basketball play by play

Al McGuire was my favorite

The day before the championship game

He rented a Harley and rode around looking for antiques in the countryside

Then won the Championship that evening

McGuire was 20–4 against Wisconsin

Here he is on the scorers bench after beating the badgers

Greatest MU Shot of All Time - Poll
Vitale is one of a kind and he has a sincere love for the game and the players. I can forgive his over-the-top stuff...that's just his style. He does kiss Coach K's ass ad nauseum, but he heaps plenty of praise on other coaches too. I'll always think of him and Jim Valvano in the same spirit.

In an era full of fakes, I appreciate guys like Dick Vitale more than ever.
Vitale is one of a kind and he has a sincere love for the game and the players. I can forgive his over-the-top stuff...that's just his style. He does kiss Coach K's ass ad nauseum, but he heaps plenty of praise on other coaches too. I'll always think of him and Jim Valvano in the same spirit.

In an era full of fakes, I appreciate guys like Dick Vitale more than ever.
We met him at a Tampa Bay baseball game. He was sitting in front of us a few rows. We approached him for an autograph for my son and he gladly obliged. Very friendly man.