
Completely agree with everything above, Brommer gives us nothing and should be buried on the bench.
So who would u go to when White came out? You just let starters go for a full 40 every night?? He definitely didn't hurt us at all tonight.
I thougjt Brommer was fine tonight. I have long called for Archie over Brommer amd thats how it was for a while. Now Brommer is getting all the PT, its strange.
I wonder if Archie is hurt again or not. Ive always thought Archie brought more from an energy and athletism perspective.
Not to disrespect these two specifically, but it will be great next year and beyond to have more 'useful' bench players available.
I thougjt Brommer was fine tonight. I have long called for Archie over Brommer amd thats how it was for a while. Now Brommer is getting all the PT, its strange.I wonder if Archie is hurt again or not. Ive always thought Archie brought more from an energy and athletism perspective.Not to disrespect these two specifically, but it will be great next year and beyond to have more 'useful' bench players available.

Oh yeah, with all that said I thougjt Brommer played fine tonight. Didnt do anything special but certainly ddnt hurt.
Brommer sets good screens although he got called for blocking on one tonight. He's not a terrible defender, especially when the other team doesn't have an interior player to challenge him;)
For what McCaffrey needed Brommer to do (rebound and set screens for Gatens) he was certainly adequate. Sad to say, but tonight was one of his better games all season. Possibly a season low for fouls.

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