Bring back O'keefe!


O'keefe may not have been the most innovative OC ever but at least he had all of the players on the same page and we had certain plays we could count on.
The Dolphins are lucky to have him and we will continue to sink into medicrity without him.

Sup guys, whatd I miss?
Funny all the success we had with Brad Banks and we have not really had a dual threat since then.
GD had the most success with mobile QB's...... Maybe we should try it out since we rarely produce good NFL QBs
GD had the most success with mobile QB's...... Maybe we should try it out since we rarely produce good NFL QBs
Bolded for emphasis, with a mobile QB GD can run those bootlegs much more effectively and you'll see a bit of the read game that Texas ran so effectively with Vince Young and Colt McCoy.
GD had the most success with mobile QB's...... Maybe we should try it out since we rarely produce good NFL QBs
Bolded for emphasis, with a mobile QB GD can run those bootlegs much more effectively and you'll see a bit of the read game that Texas ran so effectively with Vince Young and Colt McCoy.

agreed. i dont get all the hate for gd...these are all other peoples recruits...gotta give him a little time...
i don't have hate for GD, I would just expect our offense to look a little more crisp at this point in the season. I can't imagine an O'keefe offense looking this sloppy and out of rhythm.
agreed. i dont get all the hate for gd...these are all other peoples recruits...gotta give him a little time...

I sort of agree. But the question remains will KF adapt to that? Ireally don't know if he will.
Some of his play calling has been bad. My major question today was the goal line possession in the 4th. Running on 1st and 2nd down was not the right call unless you are going for it on 4th. You have to at least throw two passes there to try and get it in the endzone. Not to mention you have a massive 6'7 tight end that they don't use in the redzone.
Which leads me to the next question, why not go for it on 4th there??
Whoever thinks KOK could help this Iowa offense - I have some real estate in FL that I have for sale. Prime location. Sure thing. Contact me now before it's all gone!
agreed. i dont get all the hate for gd...these are all other peoples recruits...gotta give him a little time...

I thought all along that it would take about a season and a half to get the offence going, but I never thought we would start off so abysmally. "Dink and Dunk" is designed to generate positive momentum and to get the hands into your play makers consistently and give them a chance to make plays. Doing so should take the pressure off the QB, but you need to have players who can turn short passes into 5+ yard gains. Either way, very disappointing result.

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