BREAKING: What Do We Know?


Well-Known Member
So here we sit, all desperately sifting through all the Hawk sites, rumors, Tweets, and maybe some of us are talking to our imaginary friends on the inside and what do we know for sure?

1. Steve Forbes would love to be the coach here and many around here are getting all goofed up about the prospects of his recruiting powers...but no one from Iowa has called him as he sits forlornly on the bench while most Hawkeye fans' man crush coaches the Vols in the Sweet 16.

2. Bruce Pearl loved the Coral Ridge Mall but is keeping his ugly orange jacket...or is he...let's replay that You Tube interview in slow-mo and watch for any telling gleams in his eye....oh wait he said he was staying at Tennessee...or did he?

3. MVC coaches not coming to Iowa...Ben Jacobsen and Gregg Marshall....they like swimming in the little fish tank instead of leaping into our leaky one...shucks!

4. Us Hawkeye fans would take it personally if Caoch K or Roy Williams turns us down...although it seems we need to be prepared to be turned down by some high school and AAU coaches too.

5. Gary Barta is sweating bullets....or he is playing us all! What a sly, silver fox...or is he running around like a clueless dimwit ready to grab the first guy from a mid-major that will say "yes"?

6. Some fans would love to see B.J., Les Jepsen, Rodell Davis, and other Hawks of the past take over this ship and turn it around with the ghosts of seasons past....why stop there...let's add Easy Ed Horton, Greg Stokes, Bobby Hansen, Sharm Schuerman, and Nile Kinnick to the staff and really make the Black and Gold shine!

It is so amusing, frustrating, titillating, and nerve-wracking to watch the "boards" but we are all doing it and just cannot stop obsessing. What a hilarious sociological study this has become! But I have one plea to Gary Barta and the Search Committee....end our suffering now....HIRE ANYTHING SOON!!!!!
Great post. Like everyone else, I have my thoughts on who I'd like to see coach here, but I don't have a razor blade on my wrists ready to slash them if they choose someone else. Go Hawks!
Ro long as he doesn't bring his weed....and how about Jeff Mo....and Acie Earl....and Steve Carfino...old school style with Carl Cain....oh man, just looking over some of the old names makes me yearn for the days when we were relevant...SIGH!
Ro long as he doesn't bring his weed....and how about Jeff Mo....and Acie Earl....and Steve Carfino...old school style with Carl Cain....oh man, just looking over some of the old names makes me yearn for the days when we were relevant...SIGH!

Didn't it feel good when Ronnie Lester was considered one of the best point guards in college basketball? That is the kind of talent I want to see on the floor, even if it is for only 1 year.
#5 is the burning question in my mind, but all we can really do is wait and see who the next hire is. I've given up trying to speculate and figure out who the next coach may be. I'm just waiting for this weekend to come and go, and then I will be anxiously awaiting some type of news or rumor on Monday and Tuesday........ or lack thereof.

I'm preparing myself for the worst, and hoping for the best. It's a cliche, but very true in this case.
It is so amusing, frustrating, titillating, and nerve-wracking to watch the "boards" but we are all doing it and just cannot stop obsessing. What a hilarious sociological study this has become! But I have one plea to Gary Barta and the Search Committee....end our suffering now....HIRE ANYTHING SOON!!!!!

I kind of hope that they never hire anyone. I am rather enjoying this theatre of the absurd. I find the longer it goes on, the less connected with reality people are becoming, which makes it very entertaining to people who like me who are always real. I find myself participating in the conversation less, but reading more, which is tough for someone like me who likes to be the center of attention.

My favorite recent development are the speculative threads that state "Well, I since the mood of the board says [we will/wont hire this guy], I guess Barta is looking in other places". The degree of both the ignorance and the arrogance that the fans on this, or any other meassage board, are acting like they are a barometer for the committee is one of the funniest things to date.
Reading these boards has become classic comedy really....I hope Jon takes the best of these posts and compiles them into a leather bound edition....I love the rumors myself and only wish there were more of them...completely baseless but yet very paranoid and the truly inspired ones where someone sees the ghost of Ralph Miller wondering the Ped Mall.....
6. Some fans would love to see B.J., Les Jepsen, Rodell Davis, and other Hawks of the past take over this ship and turn it around with the ghosts of seasons past....why stop there...let's add Easy Ed Horton, Greg Stokes, Bobby Hansen, Sharm Schuerman!

Sharm Scheuerman already had his go round as Hawk coach, can't see him coming back (is he still even kicking still?) now if you would've mentioned Mr. Midnight perhaps you would be on the right track.
I kind of hope that they never hire anyone. I am rather enjoying this theatre of the absurd. I find the longer it goes on, the less connected with reality people are becoming, which makes it very entertaining to people who like me who are always real. I find myself participating in the conversation less, but reading more, which is tough for someone like me who likes to be the center of attention.

My favorite recent development are the speculative threads that state "Well, I since the mood of the board says [we will/wont hire this guy], I guess Barta is looking in other places". The degree of both the ignorance and the arrogance that the fans on this, or any other meassage board, are acting like they are a barometer for the committee is one of the funniest things to date.
Hi Ghost! If you're wondering why I'm doing that, I'm actually using results of my polls & popularity threads for a statistical analysis of behavior trends based on perception, and what may influence those perceptions, such as the wording of my posts (usually the capitalized words).
What about George Raveling....he was a great recruiter....uh oh there I opened up that can of worms....I do yearn for the sweat suits he wore.....
I kind of hope that they never hire anyone. I am rather enjoying this theatre of the absurd. I find the longer it goes on, the less connected with reality people are becoming, which makes it very entertaining to people who like me who are always real. I find myself participating in the conversation less, but reading more, which is tough for someone like me who likes to be the center of attention.

My favorite recent development are the speculative threads that state "Well, I since the mood of the board says [we will/wont hire this guy], I guess Barta is looking in other places". The degree of both the ignorance and the arrogance that the fans on this, or any other meassage board, are acting like they are a barometer for the committee is one of the funniest things to date.

Do you ever tire of telling the rabble how much their behavior amuses you? The amusement is understandable, but what pleasure do you derive from repeating this post?

I suspect you were the kind of kid who liked to use a magnifying glass to fry ants, or pour water on the ant hill just to watch them scramble.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.
I kind of hope that they never hire anyone. I am rather enjoying this theatre of the absurd. I find the longer it goes on, the less connected with reality people are becoming, which makes it very entertaining to people who like me who are always real. I find myself participating in the conversation less, but reading more, which is tough for someone like me who likes to be the center of attention.

My favorite recent development are the speculative threads that state "Well, I since the mood of the board says [we will/wont hire this guy], I guess Barta is looking in other places". The degree of both the ignorance and the arrogance that the fans on this, or any other meassage board, are acting like they are a barometer for the committee is one of the funniest things to date.

Didn't it feel good when Ronnie Lester was considered one of the best point guards in college basketball? That is the kind of talent I want to see on the floor, even if it is for only 1 year.

I believe I've read multipule times that Magic Johnson said "Lester was the best pg he ever played against."
Has it dawned on anyone that perhaps the person Barta would like to get and has indicated through their representatives their willingness to talk is still involved with a tournament? Jon may be cq that Barta has someone in mind but has Forbes as Plan B.
Do you ever tire of telling the rabble how much their behavior amuses you? The amusement is understandable, but what pleasure do you derive from repeating this post?

I suspect you were the kind of kid who liked to use a magnifying glass to fry ants, or pour water on the ant hill just to watch them scramble.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

No. I was the kind of kid who would always be around when mischief started, but I almost never got in trouble. I would like to say that it was because I was just more clever than the other boys in the neighborhood, but it was also because I was cuter.

So to answer your first question Freddy, no, I do not get tired of repeating this post. Not until the guys around here get tired of making fools of themselves, at which point I will no longer be amused, and will have to go back to amusing myself.
but it was also because I was cuter.
"Cuter" Ghost




Reading these boards has become classic comedy really....I hope Jon takes the best of these posts and compiles them into a leather bound edition....I love the rumors myself and only wish there were more of them...completely baseless but yet very paranoid and the truly inspired ones where someone sees the ghost of Ralph Miller wondering the Ped Mall.....
It is truly fascinating to see how F'd up the human species really is.

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