breaking down the math of okyst vs bama


Well-Known Member
Breaking down the oky st vs bama math. Coaches poll is out and almost a tie. What most people don't realize is it's percentage of votes not straight who has more votes in the poll. So it's so close it that vote it's almost like a tie.

Bama has computers polls last week had oky state 2nd in 2 of the 6 polls, with their win vs Oklahoma(who computers also love) should put them in 2nd in all polls(even if their was one that didn't it would get thrown out). So if its a clean sweep of the comp polls, like a think it will be, 2/3 the votes our in and oky state has avg 9433.5 and bama has 9392.

So it comes down to the harris poll, but remember harris poll had oky state 5th last week, but the vtech loss should help them. Bama last week got 111/115 2nd place votes, I think that's going to change let's assume they get 2/3 of the 2nd place votes and 1/3 3rd place votes. That give them 9499 and average up to 9427. Which would mean oky state would need 2697 pts from the 115 votes. If they got 1/3 2nd place votes and the rest 3rd place votes that would put them at 2722. Which would put them in the bcs championship, but will 25 of the 115 voters put standford in front of oky state???

My prediction is that Oky state will barely have enough to go to the championship, but it's going to be damn close. The sad part is it could really come down to one vote. Jim Walden may decide this thing people. God love college football not decided on the field, but possiblely decided in Jim Walden's mind.
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If I had a Harris Poll vote, I don't know what I would do. Manipulation of the system would have to cross my mind. I think Oklahoma State should play for the title. Should I vote Oklahoma State #1 and leave Alabama off my ballot? Is that ethical?
If I had a Harris Poll vote, I don't know what I would do. Manipulation of the system would have to cross my mind. I think Oklahoma State should play for the title. Should I vote Oklahoma State #1 and leave Alabama off my ballot? Is that ethical?

Also, if I (or a voter) were to do that, what's the O/U on the number of death threats they receive from the Harvey Updykes of the world?
Breaking down the oky st vs bama math. Coaches poll is out and almost a tie. What most people don't realize is it's percentage of votes not straight who has more votes in the poll. So it's so close it that vote it's almost like a tie.

Bama has computers polls last week had oky state 2nd in 2 of the 6 polls, with their win vs Oklahoma(who computers also love) should put them in 2nd in all polls(even if their was one that didn't it would get thrown out). So if its a clean sweep of the comp polls, like a think it will be, 2/3 the votes our in and oky state has avg 9433.5 and bama has 9392.

So it comes down to the harris poll, but remember harris poll had oky state 5th last week, but the vtech loss should help them. Bama last week got 111/115 2nd place votes, I think that's going to change let's assume they get 2/3 of the 2nd place votes and 1/3 3rd place votes. That give them 9499 and average up to 9427. Which would mean oky state would need 2697 pts from the 115 votes. If they got 1/3 2nd place votes and the rest 3rd place votes that would put them at 2722. Which would put them in the bcs championship, but will 25 of the 115 voters put standford in front of oky state???

My prediction is that Oky state will barely have enough to go to the championship, but it's going to be damn close. The sad part is it could really come down to one vote. Jim Walden may decide this thing people. God love college football not decided on the field, but possiblely decided in Jim Walden's mind.

Your math is wrong.

Computers are mostly already out and Okie St. DID NOT sweep second. They are second in 4 out of the six. Bama won two computers.

Simplifying everything, OSU has to top Alabama in the Harris Poll by 5 points.

Plenty of leaks out there have said this did not happen.

So basically the decision on who is playing in the NC is left up to the computers. Interesting.

comp may decide, but only if they all agree that oky state is 2nd over bama. If all the voters agreed and all put bama 2nd. Bama would win by a landslide. But if they only get 2/3 of the vote and okystate gets 1/3 and all computers agree then they aren't going to. If 3 of the 6 computers decided bama was better, bama would win by a landslide. But since they all agree and humans don't they may decide it.
Your math is wrong.

Computers are mostly already out and Okie St. DID NOT sweep second. They are second in 4 out of the six. Bama won two computers.

Simplifying everything, OSU has to top Alabama in the Harris Poll by 5 points.

Plenty of leaks out there have said this did not happen.

If you are correct and they only got 4 out of 6 I think this would be enough for bama to hold them off. But remember one of those will be thrown out.
Your math is wrong.

Computers are mostly already out and Okie St. DID NOT sweep second. They are second in 4 out of the six. Bama won two computers.

Simplifying everything, OSU has to top Alabama in the Harris Poll by 5 points.

Plenty of leaks out there have said this did not happen.

Wolfe isn't officially out yet. If Wolfe has Bama #2, OSU has to be 5 up in the Harris. If Wolfe has OSU #2, Bama has to be 53 up in the Harris. I think the spread in the Harris will be somewhere between Bama up 53 and OSU up 5, so I think that Wolfe will pick the BCS title game.

Rumor is that Wolfe will favor Bama over OSU. Also, the Wolfe poll is "proprietary" which apparently means that the math isn't made public and no one knows how the rankings in that poll are determined. So basically it comes down to a secret "computer" poll picking the national championship matchup. I loathe the BCS more every day.
BCSGuru BCS Guru
If Wolfe has Bama at 2, then OSU needs to be 5 ahead of Bama in Harris. All other components are accounted for.

BCSGuru BCS Guru
Here's the bottom line: If Wolfe has OSU at No. 2, Bama needs to be 53 points ahead of OSU in Harris ...

Sounds like it's coming down to the wolfe poll
If Bama gets in...BCS loses what little credibility they ever had. B1G, Pac and B12 should pull out along with the Rose.

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