Bottom 10 Thursday: Worst design basketball courts


Well-Known Member
Another thread in this forum lists 10 basketball arenas, including Carver Hawkeye, that ESPN views as having the best designs in the country. Left unreported is the worst college basketball court designs. Let's help ESPN out. List what you view as the worst courts in the country. Include a photo and your reasons for putting the court on your list.

Here's my first choice:

Welsh-Ryan Arena, Northwestern


Where does one even begin to describe how putrid this court looks other than to say it induces a vomit reflex at first glance. Never a good thing unless you accidentally swallowed rat poison, but especially so in the days of Ebola and enterovirus d68. For starters the purple -- yes, purple -- on the floor is nowhere near the color of the few banners hanging from the rafters. The "N" in the center Wildcat logo looks like it was painted but the coloration inside the three-point arc appears to be a stain job done as a school project by a seventh grade shop class. That's not even the official BIG logo at the free throw line. "Chicago's Big Ten Team"? Really? You are so insecure in your own self identification you have to try to glom on to the nearest city of more than 75,000 and paint it on your basketball court? And Northwestern students, allegedly some of the smartest and brightest in the land, don't know how to find your athletics department online so you have to paint "" on the other sideline? Could easily be the ugliest basketball court in America.
Matthew Knight Arena, University of Oregon


Don't get up to adjust your TV sets. They're likely just fine. The basketball court at Matthew Knight Arena -- or, more accurately, the Kilkenny Floor in Matthew Knight Arena at the University of Oregon -- really does look like last night's pizza after you downed it with way too much beer. Not quite sure what the folks in Eugene were trying to accomplish when they designed this court four years ago but if it is the fact there are trees and hills near your campus most of us already had that figured out. I have yet to ever play a game of hoops "deep in the woods" -- in fact, I've never even considered it. Usually I'm hiking, camping, fishing, doing just about anything enjoyable outdoors in the woods, but never basketball. Or football. Or baseball. Or soccer. But if that's important, well, that's just nifty cool, K? Go have another grande latte supreme or whatever. And what the hell is that thing under the big green O in the middle of the floor?