Boise St. has a dog get the kicking tee....


Active Member
.....why don't we have a hawk?

[ame=]YouTube - Boise State Kickoff Dog[/ame]
We can barely have pink locker rooms. Can you imagine what all the liberal wack jobs in this town would do if we had a caged hawk that we used to fetch our kickoff tee?
We can barely have pink locker rooms. Can you imagine what all the liberal wack jobs in this town would do if we had a caged hawk that we used to fetch our kickoff tee?

+2 Also Michigan State had a dog do this in the past... I talked to the dog owners dad he was telling me about it at Sparty Stadium.
And what if that Hawk decides he wants Bob in section 109, seat 27, row 8's hotdog instead of a crappy ol' kicking tee???

And what if that Hawk decides he wants Bob in section 109, seat 27, row 8's hotdog instead of a crappy ol' kicking tee???


I know you were just kidding Shane. But the folks at Auburn don't have those problems with War Eagle. At any rate, I think we can do without the animals. Not because I'm so liberal that I think it's cruel. I just think it's silly.
I think it would be absolutely awesome though if a Hawk flew out from the press box and down to grab the kickoff tee. Wouldn't that be awesome? I think Kinnick would think it is cool.
I know you were just kidding Shane. But the folks at Auburn don't have those problems with War Eagle. At any rate, I think we can do without the animals. Not because I'm so liberal that I think it's cruel. I just think it's silly.

Bob will be fine Ill teach my hawk to steal this guys hotdog. Keep it up and you might have your cold beverage spilled on your lap.
You just tranq it... alot easier to shoot a bear with a tranq gun than a flying Hawk.

Never thought of that! Not to mention, if they miss the bear, people in the stands have a shot at catching a free tranq dart! It's like a foul ball at a baseball game or a t-shirt gun! Game souvenirs are cool!
Well I guess that the only fair way to settle this is to release a number of different animals and see who wins. Bob might not want to be in attendance given he doesnt seem to do well with animals.
Well I guess that the only fair way to settle this is to release a number of different animals and see who wins. Bob might not want to be in attendance given he doesnt seem to do well with animals.

Maybe if Bob didn't share a love of the same snacks as many of the wild's fiercest predators, he wouldn't have to worry about it...keep your head on a swivel and your eyes to the skies, Bob!

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