Bo Pelini to Tennessee?

Actually, the coaches following Osborne have been pretty bad, &I tink Pelini is a really good coach. Since Nebraska has now become a next door state rival, I'm happy to see him go. Please don't get upset with my typos & grammer. I'm 80 & doing the best I can.
The BoneG is pretty much now established itself as the AAA to the SEC's big show. If a second rate SEC team can take the coach of your champion, then everyone is game.

Those of you who think Urban Meyer is going to dominate the BoneG for perpetuity are wrong. He's going to bail the second a premium SEC job comes open again. BoneG jobs are now stepping stones.
The BoneG is pretty much now established itself as the AAA to the SEC's big show. If a second rate SEC team can take the coach of your champion, then everyone is game.

Those of you who think Urban Meyer is going to dominate the BoneG for perpetuity are wrong. He's going to bail the second a premium SEC job comes open again. BoneG jobs are now stepping stones.

I disagree. I honestly think he truly wants to coach the Buckeyes. He was doing wonderful things at Florida when he resigned "for health reasons" and I think he was waiting for the OSU position to open up while broadcasting. There were a number of quality positions that opened while he was in the booth that he could have jumped on if he wanted to.
I disagree. I honestly think he truly wants to coach the Buckeyes. He was doing wonderful things at Florida when he resigned "for health reasons"

Is there even a good rumor available, all this time later, for the REAL reason he resigned?

You can be 100% sure it wasn't "health reasons".
WHEN Saban goes to the NFL, Urb will be on the next jalopy to Tuscaloosie.

I have to ask... do you just go around saying whatever random stuff comes to mind? In the last thread I read, you said something about the Big 12 being the best. That's obviously not true and and I assumed you were being sarcastic. But not you say this which even as an opinion isn't close to right. Just like the Big 12 isn't the best.

Urban Meyer had his Florida contract set up so he didn't have to pay a buyout if he too the Ohio State or Notre Dame job. Reason being, those are his dream jobs. He just came off a 12-0 season in his first season and his job will only get easier in the Big 12 at Ohio State. Alabama is clearly on top in the SEC but it's the SEC. Why would you leave an easier job that's your dream job for a job that requires playing LSU, Texas A&M, Auburn, Arkansas, Tennessee and the SEC Champions every year. Auburn, Arky and Tennessee were down this year but with the right coaches, they can all be very good.

Meyer is not leaving Ohio State.

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