Blackout unis


Well-Known Member
I know we will more than likely get beat by Mich next week but isn't this the Blackout game again? anyone know if there will be alternate unis, just curious
More than likely? Lol. We won't keep it within 30. We should just paint the field black as well that way no one will see Iowa play since the coaching staff won't let them show up anyways.
I don't see it as a blowout. our defense is playing respectable. they only scored 14 on the badgers. Iowa scoring on Mich d is another story but I don't see it as a blowout
Fun fact: Iowa's first ever Blackout game was in 2005, against Michigan. We lost that game in OT and with it, our record home-game win streak.
That was "new" Kirk, something as radical as an alternate uniform.... the 2016 Kirk will not approve, unless it is retro to say 1930, which would match our offensive scheme.
No way Ferments lets them wear something cool....he will have them in the traditional dorky white shoes with the super high socks that stretch clear up to the knee. Talk about a look that screams 1977 gym class.
This will be a beat down of epic proportions in Kinnick. How anyone thinks we keep this game close is beyond me.. Why exactly does anyone think our defense is somehow good again? We gave up over 400 yards to Wisconsin, and they should have had 30 points..
MSU is pretty bad this year and Michigan had issues with them last weekend. I cant see Mich. blowing us out. I actually wouldn't be surprised if we won a close one.
More than likely? Lol. We won't keep it within 30. We should just paint the field black as well that way no one will see Iowa play since the coaching staff won't let them show up anyways.
This will be a beat down of epic proportions in Kinnick. How anyone thinks we keep this game close is beyond me.. Why exactly does anyone think our defense is somehow good again? We gave up over 400 yards to Wisconsin, and they should have had 30 points..
Epic fail.
MSU is pretty bad this year and Michigan had issues with them last weekend. I cant see Mich. blowing us out. I actually wouldn't be surprised if we won a close one.
Nice job here. I bet you were surprised though. I was.
Nice job here. I bet you were surprised though. I was.
I had to go to the bathroom on the second to last series when Iowa was on offense. They had the radio on in the bathrooms at Kinnick and I heard the CJ interception. I told myself that was the end, and as I walked back out into the tunnel area I saw tons of Iowa fans leaving the stadium. But when I got back to my seat and saw how much time we had and 3 time outs left, I was like "we still have time and a chance." By the way, to all you Iowa fans who bailed early, I hope you are really angry with yourself for quitting early and leaving Kinnick. You missed it, BIG TIME!!!