Bill Snyder

Was Bill Snyder ever considered for the head coaching job when Ferentz was hired? Just curious

Why in the hell would he have even been interested? That season ('98, Hayden's last year) KSU was ranked #1 almost the entire year.

That's like asking whether Bobby Bowden or Joe Paterno were considered.
Even more reason for Iowa to consider him for the job.
KSU better savor every moment they have left of Snyder as their coach because they'll never achieve the same level of success when he finally gets too old to coach anymore. The man is a fb genius and I find it amazing that at his age he is able to attract good assistant coaches.
KSU better savor every moment they have left of Snyder as their coach because they'll never achieve the same level of success when he finally gets too old to coach anymore. The man is a fb genius and I find it amazing that at his age he is able to attract good assistant coaches.

The amazing part is that he retired, they sucked big he came back and started kicking *** again. If you made that in a movie nobody would believe it. This after turning around possibly the worst program in all of division 1. He's a legend who doesn't get credit nationally because he's in Kansas. In my opinion what he's done there is much more impressive then winning at a place like Florida, Alabama, etc.
The amazing part is that he retired, they sucked big he came back and started kicking *** again. If you made that in a movie nobody would believe it. This after turning around possibly the worst program in all of division 1. He's a legend who doesn't get credit nationally because he's in Kansas. In my opinion what he's done there is much more impressive then winning at a place like Florida, Alabama, etc.

This is so true. If it happened once you could write it off as a fluke. Or if they were only average during his retirement and they got good again. It's hard to argue when a team sucks bad, you take over and make them great, you retire and they suck bad again, then you come back and make them great agian. Pretty damn impressive.

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