Big 12 Lite a "done deal"?


Active Member
Is this thing a done deal? Isn't A&M still mulling their options? Based on their rivals board - the fans are pretty PO'd about not taking (or not going to take) an SEC offer to get out of TX's shadow.
I don't know but they are stupid to continue in UT's shadow long term. They will never regain prominence underneath Texas.
Is this thing a done deal? Isn't A&M still mulling their options? Based on their rivals board - the fans are pretty PO'd about not taking (or not going to take) an SEC offer to get out of TX's shadow.

One thing I haven't seen is the SEC coming out publicly saying anything about them wanting A&M...
I still think this is only a temporary fix. But if I was the Big 12, I would go after Louisville and Memphis. There are 10 Million reasons to take Memphis.
The SEC has never wanted aTm. aTm has always been a loyal member of the Big XII. Truth is lies, war is peace. I love Big Brother. Now begin the minute of hate: Death to Goldstein!
I would think the B12 would look at TCU and BYU. They take Louisville and Memphis and the conference turns into a basketball conference.
It may be a done deal for now but I doubt it will last long term. With one school pretty much calling all the shots, there is no loyalty to the conference. As soon as another conference comes calling for one or more of their remaining schools, those schools will jump ship without thinking twice about it.

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