Big 10 Divisions: East/West Split May Happen

I'll try to play devil's advocate. Why would Indiana, Purdue and Michigan State like the east/west split? How come they have to play 3 of the 4 all time winning programs every year? For that matter why would OSU, PSU, and Michigan like a strictly geographic split?

Does the east/west split save as many rivalries as all the possible plans? Will a west division team have to play OSU, PSU, Michigan in the same season as well as Nebraska? From a fans perspective east/west looks simple enough, but from the school's ADs perspective it comes down to comparing where you're at with members in another division.
Let Minnesota and Indiana be the two team captains. Flip a coin. Then do a school yard pick-em.
Looking at this article, I feel even more strongly that the divisions cannot be broken down strictly on geographic lines.

With the way the split would be if it were split geographically the East would hold every competitive edge.

If you were to break them down on a 4 pt. scale the East would be 2.66, the West would be 2.33

If you broke them down by total conference wins, the west would have 400 and the east would have 445. Also take into consideration that alot of the West's wins are Nebraska's wins in the weak Big 12 North.

The seating capacity by average in the East Stadiums would be 85,000. The West would be 65,000.

Also, judging by recruiting stars, the East has an overwhelming advantage with respect to recruiting prospects.

I agree that the Big Six need to be split. But it really is the Big Four plus 2, That being said, we really don't know what Nebby will bring once they get in a tougher league, which means having them as the only team with over 80 conference wins since 1993 is a risky move.

So, the split should be 2 of the Big four and one of the next two in each division.
The geographic split makes the most sense.
Review it in 3-4 years or whenever expansion strikes again.
With 9 game conference schedule, every team still plays all but 2 teams every year.
It is not like Iowa is not going to be able to recruit Ohio,or Michigan not recruit Chicago. If stadium size was the critical factor, Iowa would never beat Michigan or PSU...7 of 8? I think the ebb and flow is more related to coaching changes. When JoePa leaves,PSU will have disruption,like when Lloyd Carr left michigan,or Osborne left Nebraska. Hopefully,KF is solid for another 10 years at Iowa,which will make them near the top for the next decade. Same with OSU and Tressel.

I am glad that common sense is going to prevail and they do not jerry rig this thing into some crazy PSU in the West arrangement.

Rivalries are what counts in college football. Wis,Neb,Minny,NW and Ill are border rivals. Iowa is the anchor state of the West. Ohio is the anchor state of the East. All schools border one of those two states. Sanity rules.
Yeah, the nine game schedule does help.

I have never been a fan of 12 team leagues. It just seems like a number where conferences end up trying to rig things.

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