Best Iowa Defenders in the last 15-20 years


Well-Known Member
Shonn Morris' color commentary about Mike G's defense in the FD game got me thinning a bit. When was the last time we had a great defender, and who have the great defenders in the last 15-20 years been. May and Gatens were both solid defenders, but I wouldn't really put them in the highest echelon of Iowa defenders.

In the TD years, despite the reputation for being an offensive and zone oriented teams (both largely true, I think), there were some stellar defenders. The Lick years and Fran have seen less what I would term high level defenders, as compared to the Davis era.

Kenyon Murray was a great 3 lock down defender.

Ryan Bowen was one of the most versatile defenders I can recall in the post Lute Olsen years.

Acie Earl was an incredible shot blocker.

Eric Hansen was probably the best I can recall from the Alford years.

Andre Woolridge was a good on ball defender, but I wouldn't put him in the highest group.

Who am I missing?
Ogelsby deserves a look. I think he was a huge reason the Hawks were so great against the 3 ball last year.
A couple of the players mentioned by the OP are more than 20 years ago. So with that in mind, I'll venture Kevin Boyle.

I have been watching Iowa basketball for about 25 years. The greatest game changer on the defensive end that I recall is Acie Earl. Greatest on the ball defender IMO is Kenyon Murray. All around defensively would either be Murray or Ryan Bowen. From a physical standpoint and rebounding Reggie Evans was solid as well.

On a side note, I don't understand how Acie Earl only averaged 7 boards a game.
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I have been watching Iowa basketball for about 25 years. The greatest game changer on the defensive end that I recall is Acie Earl. Greatest on the ball defender IMO is Kenyon Martin. All around defensively would either be Martin or Ryan Bowen. From a physical standpoint and rebounding Reggie Evans was solid as well.

On a side note, I don't understand how Acie Earl only averaged 7 boards a game.

Kenyon Martin wasn't even the best on ball defender on his own team. Great help defender and shot blocker but Pete Mickeal was a better lock down defender. That was a great Huggins team, with those two guys plus DerMarr Johnson and Melvin Levett. Too bad Martin broke his leg in the Conference USA tourney that year. But anyway, don't see what that has to do with Iowa?
The only problem with a question like this is that a lot of the lock down defenders end up on the bench. Then there's the issue of whether or not you want to use rebounding. It's vital if you're planning on keeping the other team's point total low but a lot of great rebounders have issues rotating in a zone and can't stop a post move without fouling. Murray and Hansen are first and foremost in my opinion. Earl was a force against a half court offense but I wish he ran the court more often. Also, he's kind of out of the time frame allowed. Bowen and Evans found their way onto defensive the NBA. Also, nobody Basabe's size should lead anything in blocked shots, gotta give him some credit.

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