Best Coaching Jobs


Well-Known Member
Ranking all 125 college football coaching jobs

Interesting article. I would disagree with #1 aside from the recruiting aspect of it.

From Article

34. Iowa

Three key elements make Iowa an attractive job — it’s the top school in the state (sorry, Iowa State), it has a strong tradition of excellence (five Big Ten titles since 1981, two BCS bowls since ‘03) and it has great fan support (70,474 per game in ’12).
Cons: Iowa might be the top dog in the state, but the hunting grounds aren’t very fertile. To remain competitive, the Hawkeyes’ staff will always have to go into other teams’ home states to recruit.
Final Verdict: It’s difficult for a school that doesn’t have a strong local recruiting base to compete for national title. It can be done — Nebraska won three titles in the 1990s — but that is a very big hurdle to climb.
Not real sure about Louisville and TCU, but hey can't argue too much with the list. Texas has to be #1 because there is not much of a reason to even go out of state to recruit, adn talk about $
Not real sure about Louisville and TCU, but hey can't argue too much with the list. Texas has to be #1 because there is not much of a reason to even go out of state to recruit, adn talk about $

You could say the same with Florida and with them being in the SEC is the only reason I'd put them ahead of TX.
I would think Iowa would be much higher. We pay our coach an outrageous amount, there's no expectation to compete for any kind of a title year-in-year-out, and under no circumstances will we fire the coach for poor performance. Sounds like a great job to me.
Low to mid 20's would seem to me about where Iowa should be. That translates to a 8-4/9-3 record most years with the occasional dip or a double digit win season.
I get the recruiting struggles but considering the amount of money the university spends on salary and facilities I would put Iowa's coaching job in the top 25. I do not think the coaching job is better at schools like Washington or Wisconsin.
But have you seen the recruiting tools they have?



Then why does UCLA always suck so bad? H*ll, it is even near Brentwood.........USC is like a minute away from Compton and i am not sure what my point was so nevermind.