Been 5 days, here are my new thoughts...


Well-Known Member
Ok, I already know what is going to happen with this thread, so if youre one of the following.. save your time and typing, because youre delusional and I will point it out and make you look ridiculous..

If you support blindly any and all management

If you pay $100 for extra toppings on your pizza

If you are happy with a participation ribbon for all kids, no winners

Just stay away from this thread.

Now, on to my thoughts, 5 days after the WORST LOSS I CAN REMEMBER AS A HAWK..

1) Our offense has looked "pretty good" rarely in this season. When they do, its high tempo, passing mixing in the run. NOT run when they expect it, run when they know its coming, run when they dont even have a CB on the field to defend the pass. Much respect to Coker, he runs hard... but if he is our starter next year, I will be majorly dissapointed. We have backs with better speed who assumably wont have the slippery football problems mr coker had at the beginning of the season. That being said, our coaching staff just wont do it.

2) Our defense has some "slightly skilled" players, nothing special (minus bernstein).. and I was HIIIIIIIIGH on JM's nuts last season. He hasnt impressed me thus far this season. Maybe its positional, probably not. To expect these players to perform up to a level in which they are not capable, as opposed to switching the scheme to better suit them.. It shows me the coaches on the defensive side are not capable.

3) Kirk Ferentz... Listen, I understand that he has coached us to a bcs bowl victory, I understand what he has done, but do YOU understand that the coaching was still remarkably horrible during these good seasons? Can you imagine what we could have done with a MORE DESERVING of 3.8 million dollar coach? There were 4 times I recall in 09 that I just could shake my head and think "Jesus, KF you suck!!"
I know he is some of yours jesus christ and savior, so you dont need to read this, and you dont need to respond, save it. Youre a nutcase.
The point is, for 10 years almost the coaching staff that so many of you praise blindly has been repeatedly making the same mistakes, which costs us games some years, and slid under the radar in the years where we had the talent to overcome poor coaching.

Im not saying every coach in the NCAA is perfect, or that all are better, but you for damn sure dont see saban, miles, spurrier ect making the same poor decisions and game management calls every year, in almost every game. Sure they slip up sometimes, but not often.

4) For the love of god, quit saying that recruiting is to blame. 99% of the time, while it IS to blame, its NOT why youre crying about. Iowa City, believe it or not, is a HUGE party town (yes, for the derp derps on here, I know every college has parties, but not EVERY college is rated as high as Iowa City for party schools) so there IS atmosphere. They get to play on TV damn near every week. We play in a prestigious conference.

Now, here is what you SHOULD be crying about, with respect to recruiting:
The fact that our coaches make it as undesirable as possible. NP doesnt even recruit. Yes, I understand his medical problems, so maybe he should do what is best for the university and call it a day. KF, please, if you listen to ANY advice, listen to this.. Kids want to play where they get to make exciting plays, you know, rewarded for the 5 days of busting their a$$ in practice. You just simply dont allow this. When we get a 3 point lead in the 2nd quarter, you go into run mode. Kids HATE HATE HATE HATE this. The 5* recruits at WR, QB, TE are NOT interested in playing not to lose. They want to win, and they want to win BIG. Get this through your thick, stubborn head. You need to go out this spring and recruit and say "look, Ive made mistakes, but starting this year, we are going to have a more aggressive approach to each and every game, whether it be Ohio State, Nebby or some FCS school" Let them know, you are going to put them in position to look good.

5) I dont expect another win out of this team the remainder of the season. I would LOVE to be wrong, but its not happening. We are getting into the talented portion of our schedule, and sadly, Minnesota was our only chance at making it to a bowl game. We blew that, no... we TYPHOONED that. I still say Michigan 61 Iowa 9.

6) Next year is going to be worse than this year, unless this staff is shaken up, mixed up, and for the most part, relieved of duty. If you want a winning team Kirk, then put the best players out there. That means the seniors who arent as good as some of the Fr, So, Jr.. well, they can cheerlead and mentor the younger players. I dont give a damn about their feelings. And you of all people, should be the LAST one to care. You are paid to win. Not paid to put a team out on the field for participation ribbons every saturday.
4) For the love of god, quit saying that recruiting is to blame. 99% of the time, while it IS to blame, its NOT why youre crying about. Iowa City, believe it or not, is a HUGE party town I would hope that our coaches don't pitch drinking heavily as a benefit

5) I dont expect another win out of this team the remainder of the season. I would LOVE to be wrong, but its not happening. We are getting into the talented portion of our schedule, and sadly, Minnesota was our only chance at making it to a bowl game. We blew that, no... we TYPHOONED that. I still say Michigan 61 Iowa 9. I still say this is the most moronic thing ever posted. I hope that you are just trying to make BK look better, otherwise you should just wash your car at 12 on Saturday and not worry about football for a while.

The "worst loss" of the semi-modern era of Iowa football was Eddie GA.'s senior year at the Horseshoe and Iowa was down 7-56 at halftime, yes it looked respectable in the final score (35-56) just because all the Buckeye starters were pulled coming out of halftime.
I agree with almost everything except for making this post. way to negative for me to have any interest in. your unbelievably wrong prediction of Saturday's game is the only part of that to put a smile on my face. Kirk needs to make changes, not be let go. I couldn't imagine having to start over from scratch without him. And Hawks will keep it close for most if not all or Saturday's game. GO HAWKS
Of course the coaching staff shouldnt pitch the party scene, that is the players/escorts for the recruits should be doing. Like it or not.

I dont know what BK is, but I stand by my prediction, and put my money where my mouth is. Guess we shall see in a couple days.
Ok, I get it, we dont get blown out often, and Im sure Michigan fans were counting the App St game as an easy win in their schedule before the game... That worked out well eh?
Okay, if Stanford, LSU, or Bama came into Kinnick I may be singing a different tune. Were not talking about a top 5 or even 10 team in the country. Were talking about what many would call an over-rated number 15. No way we get blown out.
Youre forgetting that their strength is our weakness (mobile qb) and their speed will be too much for our lack of speed.

I think LSU, Bama and Stanford beat us by minimum 60 points.. Only team who would beat us by more is Oregon, because they have a coach that "gets it" as far as how important points are.
Youre forgetting that their strength is our weakness (mobile qb) and their speed will be too much for our lack of speed.

I think LSU, Bama and Stanford beat us by minimum 60 points.. Only team who would beat us by more is Oregon, because they have a coach that "gets it" as far as how important points are.

Either you are 11 years old or you are just completely clueless. Which is it?
Don't agree about the score Saturday and being young I agree that big plays and blowing out teams is appealing but I would play for a kf type over a pelini type any day. If you have watched the games this year you know were completely different at home it will be close. We would keep a bama game as close as we would against a terrible team. I don't like it but its how we roll.
Don't agree about the score Saturday and being young I agree that big plays and blowing out teams is appealing but I would play for a kf type over a pelini type any day. .

Then you are in the minority. Obviously, the star high school prospects just dont wanna play at Iowa, unless we get the once every 10 year guy FROM iowa.
Im 12 thank you...

Seriously though, Im sorry Im more realistic than anyone else here. Dont care if you dont like it. Dont read/reply to thread

The fact that you think it is "realistic" to predict that Iowa will lose at Kinnick to an average Michigan team by 50 points tells me all I need to know. I guess it is also "realistic" to think that I will win the lottery on Saturday too. :rolleyes:
The fact that you think it is "realistic" to predict that Iowa will lose at Kinnick to an average Michigan team by 50 points tells me all I need to know. I guess it is also "realistic" to think that I will win the lottery on Saturday too. :rolleyes:

I thought I had a good shot yesterday, but then I realized its a tax on idiots, and didnt play. :)

Tell me, what will you do if it turns out I am right? Will you come back here and eat your crow?
I thought I had a good shot yesterday, but then I realized its a tax on idiots, and didnt play. :)

Tell me, what will you do if it turns out I am right? Will you come back here and eat your crow?

i will eat crow and then never post here again, but only if you do the same when Iowa covers your 51 point spread. K?

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