BCS vs Tourney...What does the Non-AQ schools want?


Well-Known Member
I would like opinions on this...

Talking heads always speak about how Boise State wouldn't go undefeated if they played in the Big Ten or SEC because they would have to go up against quality opponents every week. I 100% agree with that.

I am a big believer in the idea that the non-automatic qualifying schools, i.e. BSU, TCU, do not want a tournament style system. They are less likely to beat the AQ competition like SEC schools or Big Ten schools in say back to back weeks in a tourney but, as it has been proven as of late, they can hang and beat AQ schools when given lengthy time to prep and only play a one game scenario. They are getting their shot at the NC now and only have to beat an AQ school once to win it all.

Maybe to avoid a Non-AQ from winning a NC this idea will ultimately bring a tourney to College football.
Personally, I wouldn't be shocked if a TCU made it to the championship game. Maybe not win it, but I believe that these teams can more than hold their own in a 3-game playoff. Some of the folks talking about the grind of the Big Ten are lunatics. Some make claims that teams like Indiana could finish 2nd in the MWC. Give me a break.
The schedule debate is irrelevant. BSU or TCU won't be in the Big 10 or SEC anytime soon, so to play the hypothetical game is just waste of time.
You play the schedule given. Since the Seahawks played in the worst division in the NFL and went 7-9, should they have forfeited their playoff game with the Saints?
I played sports to win. Period. Whether it was by 50, or by 1, I wanted to beat you. That's it. That is what makes sports pure. It's black and white. You won or you lost. College football is a joke. It's a fraternity, a club. Winning isn't the most important thing in college football. It's important, but not THE MOST IMPORTANT thing. If you win in any other sport, you will get your chance to shine. Ask Butler. Ask George Mason. As the Cardinals in 2006. Ask the New York Giants. As the Arizona Cardinals.
There is nothing pure about college football.

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