B1G + Pac Champ. Games


Well-Known Member
Watching CU and UW tonight. I think UW could rush for 250 yards tonight if the put their mind to it. They should not have to punt.

Separately, I was re-watching Iowa's B1G champ game from last year. Beathard's passing release was twitch quick, go back and look for yourself. Much different than this season.
This game is about 840 miles from Seattle / 13 hour drive. Think about it, what if the B1G Championship game were held in North Carolina or Dallas?

For CU its worse, 1,285 miles from Boulder.
Kind of sucks, I was rooting hard for Washington to lose for mass chaos. Now I have to turn around and root for them against Alabama, I will have to purge this newfound Husky hate from my heart.
I'm so conditioned to watching the winning team go into the 4 minute offense, that I found myself frustrated watching Washington throw passes in the 2nd half.

Iowa is up by 21, they're running, regardless of what the D shows them. Washington? Nope, they'll take what the D gives them and won't be embarrassed about scoring a lot of points.
I want Wi to win. B1G champ in the playoffs seems about right. tO$U better hope Clemson loses - no voter in their right mind picks #3 in the B1G over the champ.
Separately, I was re-watching Iowa's B1G champ game from last year. Beathard's passing release was twitch quick, go back and look for yourself. Much different than this season.

I think that the importance of receivers is terribly underrated.

Just think about it. Plays in college football develop so quickly, and in many cases, quarterbacks have to release balls before receivers even think about coming out of their breaks. Or on fly patterns, you really have to have an innate understanding of your receivers' speed to perfectly time a ball.

Or in other terms: with a receiver moving down the field at X miles per hour in X direction, the ball traveling through the air at X miles per hour, with a release angle of X degrees, combined with defenders moving across the field in coverage and the pocket collapsing around you, you can see how even being one microsecond too early or too late can throw off an entire play.

So I think that losing players like VandeBerg, Krieger-Coble, and Tevaun Smith, players that CJB had spent the majority of his career developing a repertoire and understanding with, really made all of the difference this year in terms of his confidence and ability to connect with receivers.

This theory applies to every level of football. I really think that one of the reasons that Peyton Manning was such a successful quarterback was because of the consistency he had at receiver. Throughout his 12 years with the Colts, guys like Marvin Harrison, Reggie Wayne, Brandon Stokley, and Dallas Clark were staples of the offense and there was very little turnover. All of the aforementioned (particularly Harrison) were great players, but their value was enhanced ten fold because Manning understood the timing and executed it over and over. Conor McGregor said it himself: precision beats power, and timing beats speed.

Slight marginal changes can be detrimental to an entire scheme and the ripple effects can be spread out across an entire team.

We have some decent receiver in Riley McCarron and Jermanique Smith, but I just don't think that CJB was ever on the same page as them given that the focus coming into the year was on our "star" receiver: VandeBerg.
Badgers steamrolling the lions. W O-line is dominant at this point and the W D is just nasty. Hard to believe that we hung w/ W and got obliterated by PSU.
28-7 - ouch for the East

No ouch for the East. They have the best two teams in the conference this year and if PSU wins they clearly have 3 teams better than anyone in the West.

Also they have the top 3 programs in the B1G overall and if PSU keeps it up, they'll have the top 4 programs.
Gus Johnson/Joe Klatt are really good.....just as good as Fowler/Herbstriet.
ouch for tO$U - nobody in their right mind can explain how PSU beats em, wins the East, and wins the Title game.