B10 Expansion


Well-Known Member
So if the Big 10 is still looking into expansion after adding Nebraska, who are the looking at? Rutgers, Pitt, Syracuse?
I'd like to see Notre Dame in and then three schools from the east to lock up the eastern seaboard TV markets: Boston College, Syracuse, and Rutgers.

Either that or another shot to get Texas, Texas A&M, Kansas, Missouri to lock up the middle of the country.
Kansas and Missouri would be good but i dont see much to gain from those 2. Texas and A&M will never get to go because texas wont let go the power.
I think we should go after Maryland, Boston college, and Rutgers!!!!! This are all large population states which would help generate money, and help recruiting!!!!! I Wouldn't mind adding mizz or Georgia tec but i dint think that will happen.
best for my travel plans once the kids get older = Notre Dame, Missouri, Iowa State, +1

best for the BigTen and the Iowa Athl Dept budget = Notre Dame, Maryland, Rutgers, +1
I think Missouri would be a nice addition. They are the only BCS conference team in the state, natural rival to Illinois and would build a nice little rivalry with Iowa, and you get the KC and STL markets.
I think there is some resistance to Notre Dame since they passed the last time. Tho I'm sure that may be because ND is not interested.
Hadn't really thought about Kansas. They would be a good addition. Missouri ducked out of their game with Iowa a few years ago.
The ones I think would be a great fit would Pitt or Syracuse. Good gain from Pitt, not so much from Syracuse.
I think there is some resistance to Notre Dame since they passed the last time. Tho I'm sure that may be because ND is not interested.
Hadn't really thought about Kansas. They would be a good addition. Missouri ducked out of their game with Iowa a few years ago.
The ones I think would be a great fit would Pitt or Syracuse. Good gain from Pitt, not so much from Syracuse.

I think until Notre Dame will come, the Big Ten does nothing more in terms of expansion. If the Irish will come, then I think we do as much damage as possible as well as increasing our footprint, and go something like Missouri, Pitt and Rutgers/UConn.

That would give the Big Ten a ton more TVs and would cripple at least the Big 12 and possibly the Big East, too.
I personally think the Big 10 is done expanding, and will not do so any further unless the SEC or Pac 10 go superconference. At that point all bets are off and the Big 10 would put it's contingency plans into action. Without one of it's major competitors expanding the Big 10 stands pat. Also anybody thinking that Notre Dame will ever join the Big 10 simply does not know what they are talking about. Notre Dame will never join any conference unless the 16 team super conferences become a reality. Then and only then they will join a conference kicking and screaming the entire way.
16 is the B10's magic number, they will get there before Delaney steps aside as B10 comissioner...

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