Auburn player tossed for illegal hit to teammate in spring game

That was pretty awful. The hit itself MAYBE you can say it was a "heat of the moment" thing, but the reaction (or lack thereof) I thought was totally deplorable. Standing over him like that and then doing your best to look disinterested as he lays they hurt - that's the sort of treatment you normally reserve for the OTHER GUYS.
Is it just me, or did not a single coach say anything to that kid when he got to the sidelines? If I was the the coach, especially the wide receivers coach, I would have been up in that kids face screaming like a drill seargent. Then I would have made him run laps around the field until he puked, then run a few more.
Are you guys a bunch of *******? Sure it was a high hit but the kid didn't stand over the top of him like someone above suggested. 15 yards and move on, nothing else to see here.