Aubrun QB's punishment for pot possession


Well-Known Member
Auburn's starting QB got busted for possession of pot and Malzahn came down with an iron fist on the kid. Geez Gus! Take it easy on the kid! Everybody makes mistakes! Dude, have a heart! Imagine what would happen to some of them if they did something REALLY bad like, going to class or turning down booster money.

Death penalty link
Man, I just love the SEC. It's awesome how they don't have to play by the same rules as the rest of the NCAA and get away with about anything. Just peachy for them, and pretty convenient. No frickin' wonder that they're "the best conference in football". My ***....
The word 'punishment' does not exist in the SEC's vocabulary.

Other words that don't exist.
Be careful, it wasn't too many years ago the Hawks were running neck-to-neck with another SEC team (Florida) for the number of arrests on the FB team.
Be careful, it wasn't too many years ago the Hawks were running neck-to-neck with another SEC team (Florida) for the number of arrests on the FB team.
And during these times of trouble, were those arrested only suspended for media days?

Every school has kids who get in trouble. It's how you handle them that sets you apart.
But but but, Gus says attending media days for Auburn is a privilege and if you don't get to go its punishment in itself. Why won't you guys get off this poor kids back and let him have his third chance, without criticism.

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