At the start of the season....


I thought this team would win 14-15 games and win 6 games in the B10. I feel that if Fuller had been healthy at the start of the season, Iowa would have beaten Va Tech. Even though they will only win 10-11 games this season, I think this team is where I thought it would be. The issue is the D. With the additions of Archie, McCabe, Marble and Larson the team will get much better athletically and defensively. All of those guys are long for their size. McCabe is not a polished offensive player, but he is long and lean and plays well on the defensive end. Archie and Larson will give them the length on the interior that they lacked all season. This team is going to be very difficult to beat at home next year. I like the way this team plays and they have some tough guys on this team. Just wait, the tourney is on the horizon next season.
You know you're going to get torn apart for that, but I like that optimism. Hope you're right. Fuller has really developed into a beast when he can stay away from stupid fouls and Gatens can put up 15 a night.
I thought this team would win 14-15 games and win 6 games in the B10. I feel that if Fuller had been healthy at the start of the season, Iowa would have beaten Va Tech. Even though they will only win 10-11 games this season, I think this team is where I thought it would be. The issue is the D. With the additions of Archie, McCabe, Marble and Larson the team will get much better athletically and defensively. All of those guys are long for their size. McCabe is not a polished offensive player, but he is long and lean and plays well on the defensive end. Archie and Larson will give them the length on the interior that they lacked all season. This team is going to be very difficult to beat at home next year. I like the way this team plays and they have some tough guys on this team. Just wait, the tourney is on the horizon next season.

I have thought this all season. Unfortunately we had to get through this season first and all the drama that goes with it on this board. If all the pieces stay in place for next year, this team will be alot better.
Assuming we don't lose any more players,,,, Lick should have a full set of bodies next year. I just want to see him utilize the full roster effectively next year.

One of my complaints about his tenure is the 'write-off' and 'great disappearence' acts that I have seen. Development of some key role players is vital but it can't happen with long stretches on the pines.
I am excited to see what Lick can get done next year if nobody moves on and all the recuits come in. At least I will be excited for the beginning of basketball season next year. I don't know that we will be great next year, but I don't see any reason why we can't be .500 in the conference. We would most everyone for an even better year in 11-12. Now granted looking ahead has not worked since Mr. Davis was coach and we kept most all players in the system year after year, but if it were a perfect world on paper we should be much improved.

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