As it turned out, I wonder if money...

If the rumors about Gregorys demand were true, I would think money was an issue on hiring him.
Wojcik? Would think we could swing his salary.
Forbes? Would have come for less than Fran.
Keno? expensive.
This looks like a safer, cheaper hire than most.
Barta probably has staked his career at Iowa on another safe pick. Guy looks like the Rotary Club president in Anytown,Iowa. Just like lick.
Would not want to rattle the cage in Iowa..hire the guy that looks like he would fit in at the golf outings...not getting this at all...unless he has a Forbes type of recruiting staff coming.
How could it not have been?

I would have assumed it would be a big factor if our AD had not stated otherwise.

Had I known that we were searching for a coach we could hire for less than Lickliter, it would have made identifying the field of potential candidates much easier. In short, scratch every name that has been mentioned here over the last 2-3 weeks, with the possible exceptions of Forbes, Brownell, and Billy Kennedy.

I'm not saying we will end up paying him less, but based on his current salary and resume, we should be able to. And if we are paying him more, it will be so that Barta can say he hired a guy of equal or better stature.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder how close we came to hiring someone like Brownell.
Remember, Gary Barta is a chief executive ... and Iowa Athletics is a big-time business.

Barta is neither a fan nor riverboat gambler.

He made a conservative hire, like most businesses do.
If the rumors about Gregorys demand were true, I would think money was an issue on hiring him.
Wojcik? Would think we could swing his salary.
Forbes? Would have come for less than Fran.
Keno? expensive.
This looks like a safer, cheaper hire than most.
Barta probably has staked his career at Iowa on another safe pick. Guy looks like the Rotary Club president in Anytown,Iowa. Just like lick.
Would not want to rattle the cage in Iowa..hire the guy that looks like he would fit in at the golf outings...not getting this at all...unless he has a Forbes type of recruiting staff coming.

Gregory is not worth Izzo money. Better luck next year Brian. Hope you stay hot and not turn into Chris Lowery at SIU and miss your big payday.
As it turns out Barta was cornered by his "experienced HC " comment. I will always Believe that Forbes was best fit for the job. In some ways I hope he proves Barta wrong somewhere else or that this dosen't work out and he gets his chance in 2-3 years.
Remember, Gary Barta is a chief executive ... and Iowa Athletics is a big-time business.

Barta is neither a fan nor riverboat gambler.

He made a conservative hire, like most businesses do.

Let's be honest - this is NOT going to be a very popular hire.

The only reason people will truly like it is that Fran McCaffrey is not Todd Lickliter.

I want to go on record that I am against this hire UNLESS Fran comes up with a great staff.

If he brings his present staff, I am not seeing much change on the Iowa hoops horizon.
...was a significant factor after all.

:p:):p Hey Freddy this was your response to my thread titled IOWA WILL NOT PAY OVER $1.5M.


Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 805

Re: Iowa will not pay over 1.5M
Originally Posted by HawkPrdatr40

Yet another declarative post by someone with no personal knowledge.
I would have assumed it would be a big factor if our AD had not stated otherwise.

Had I known that we were searching for a coach we could hire for less than Lickliter, it would have made identifying the field of potential candidates much easier. In short, scratch every name that has been mentioned here over the last 2-3 weeks, with the possible exceptions of Forbes, Brownell, and Billy Kennedy.

I'm not saying we will end up paying him less, but based on his current salary and resume, we should be able to. And if we are paying him more, it will be so that Barta can say he hired a guy of equal or better stature.

The more I think about it, the more I wonder how close we came to hiring someone like Brownell.

I think there's a 99.99% chance he will be paid more than Lickliters last salary of $1.2m.
Money was not the factor. The state of the program was.

So what about the 'hiring' of Fran McCaffrey screams, 'this is going to change the landscape of Iowa basketball dramatically!' ??

His #1 assistant, Mitch Buonaguro, was a freshman in college the year my father graduated college.

That makes him about 58 years old.

How in the world does a 58 year old coach pull in big time recruits?

We had better hire some pretty solid assistants other than that guy or this is going to have a snowball effect...

...and Gary Barta will be the next one on the chopping block in 3 years.
Let's be honest - this is NOT going to be a very popular hire.

The only reason people will truly like it is that Fran McCaffrey is not Todd Lickliter.

I want to go on record that I am against this hire UNLESS Fran comes up with a great staff.

If he brings his present staff, I am not seeing much change on the Iowa hoops horizon.

I will say this right now. Being "against" something before giving them a chance is more a part of the "problem" then being a part of the solution.

The other thing I think you are making a mistake about, is how much you think kids are "wowed" by college coaches when being recruited. Players aren't dumb. They know good coaching. They want to have a relationship with their coach. From the looks of it, our new coach has both.
So what about the 'hiring' of Fran McCaffrey screams, 'this is going to change the landscape of Iowa basketball dramatically!' ??

His #1 assistant, Mitch Buonaguro, was a freshman in college the year my father graduated college.

That makes him about 58 years old.

How in the world does a 58 year old coach pull in big time recruits?

We had better hire some pretty solid assistants other than that guy or this is going to have a snowball effect...

...and Gary Barta will be the next one on the chopping block in 3 years.

Seriously, you are one of those guys that will never cease your b*tching and moaning. The guy has made Sienna a successful program, just like he did UNC-G and Lehigh. He had to perform rebuilding efforts in all three of those cases, something Lickliter had never had to do.

Will I feel less enthused with the hire if the staff he brings looks subpar? Sure. But I'm not even close to being "against" it. Stop b*tching and get with the program, or get left behind when it gets better.
I will say this right now. Being "against" something before giving them a chance is more a part of the "problem" then being a part of the solution.

The other thing I think you are making a mistake about, is how much you think kids are "wowed" by college coaches when being recruited. Players aren't dumb. They know good coaching. They want to have a relationship with their coach. From the looks of it, our new coach has both.


Our last two coaches are not the only reason this program has tanked. To many who never supported Lick even in his first two years. With the disadvantages our coach's face with recruiting we need great support and we just don't have it. Another big problem is administration also so not all on the fans but we could do more.

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