Arob something to concider


Well-Known Member
If you are the passenger in a car that has drugs in it, you are charged with possesion. I know it happened to my nephew. I would say that since he was not arrested he did not have anything on his person.
Personally I think Iowas laws are just a little screwed up, example: If you buy a used car and get pulled over and they run a dog around it and happen to find a roach or a seed, you are arrested and charged. The United States supreme court has warned Iowa they can not search a car on a non arrestable offence (Knolls vs IA, I beleive), yet they continue to do it under a different disguise.
When a well packaged web of lies is gradually sold to the masses, the truth becomes utterly preposterous and it's speaker a raving lunatic.
That pretty much sums up Iowas whole drug policy.
If you are the passenger in a car that has drugs in it, you are charged with possesion. I know it happened to my nephew. I would say that since he was not arrested he did not have anything on his person.
Personally I think Iowas laws are just a little screwed up, example: If you buy a used car and get pulled over and they run a dog around it and happen to find a roach or a seed, you are arrested and charged. The United States supreme court has warned Iowa they can not search a car on a non arrestable offence (Knolls vs IA, I beleive), yet they continue to do it under a different disguise.
When a well packaged web of lies is gradually sold to the masses, the truth becomes utterly preposterous and it's speaker a raving lunatic.
That pretty much sums up Iowas whole drug policy.

According to the officer he could smell marijuana, which means they were smoking in the car. That's probable cause in any state to search the vehicle. Marijuana possession is a misdemeanor offense if I'm not mistaken; it's the same as having an open container. You are not arrested and taken to the cop shop for simple misdemeanors; Arob was cited and released. Now he has the opportunity to pay the fine and admit guilt or challenge the citation.
The arresting officer smelled a heavy odor of marijuana as he approached the vehicle - that's enough for probable cause by itself. Adam has been dabbling with the herb since high school, which is thought to be quite prominent around that particular high school in DSM. I agree that he, and all others, should get the benefit of the doubt in these situations, but I think he has a problem staying away from the herb and doesn't seem to care enought about anything else more to straighten himself out. He could certainly use some counseling and a year or so away from football to figure some things out.
I am not trying to defend him or condon drug use here, I am just saying Iowas drug laws are way out of line. AND YES YOU CAN AND DO GET TAKEN TO JAIL FOR EVEN HAVING A PIPE ON YOU, OR IN YOUR CAR, THATS BEEN SMOKED OUT OF. And the whole probable cause thing is the diguise, I know, my brother was an officer for over 10 years, so I am a little privy to how "the system" is run. Told him when he quit, that that was the proudest I have ever been of him.
I am not trying to defend him or condon drug use here, I am just saying Iowas drug laws are way out of line. AND YES YOU CAN AND DO GET TAKEN TO JAIL FOR EVEN HAVING A PIPE ON YOU, OR IN YOUR CAR, THATS BEEN SMOKED OUT OF. And the whole probable cause thing is the diguise, I know, my brother was an officer for over 10 years, so I am a little privy to how "the system" is run. Told him when he quit, that that was the proudest I have ever been of him.

This is true, I spent the night in jail for public intox until I went to court the next morning. However, I do think the OP is taking a lot of the blame off of ARob for putting himself in that situation. We all make bad decisions, but Arob has to own up to himself making the decision to get in a car with people that were smoking (that is if he wasn't smoking with them). I did this in college and didn't smoke at all... just rode around with those that were. I was lucky as hell!!!
This is true, I spent the night in jail for public intox until I went to court the next morning. However, I do think the OP is taking a lot of the blame off of ARob for putting himself in that situation. We all make bad decisions, but Arob has to own up to himself making the decision to get in a car with people that were smoking (that is if he wasn't smoking with them). I did this in college and didn't smoke at all... just rode around with those that were. I was lucky as hell!!!

Exactly my point. So had the tables been turned and you gave someone a ride, what you get arrested and your car impounded? That could end someones career before it ever even gets started. Seems a little harsh for something you personally didnt do and all for a plant that has been used by humans for hundreds of years.

I cant wait until smoking the grass in my yard is found to get you high, maybe then the goverment will come and mow my yard and haul away the clippings.
I am not trying to defend him or condon drug use here, I am just saying Iowas drug laws are way out of line. AND YES YOU CAN AND DO GET TAKEN TO JAIL FOR EVEN HAVING A PIPE ON YOU, OR IN YOUR CAR, THATS BEEN SMOKED OUT OF. And the whole probable cause thing is the diguise, I know, my brother was an officer for over 10 years, so I am a little privy to how "the system" is run. Told him when he quit, that that was the proudest I have ever been of him.

Take your soft on crime blather elsewhere. You're only going to get taken to jail for those minor misdemeanors in "hopping" places like Neck Moines because the cops have nothing better to do. As for probable cause, a quarter of the people currently in prison are probably there from stuff found in a routine traffic stop that was the result of speeding, a busted tail light, no seatbelt, no license plate, etc. The cops have a sixth sense for half the dudes who are out there doing crap wrong, if they see some longhair in a microbus with a Phish sticker on the back window, he's prolly got dro or shrooms on him, if they see some meth head going 90 down Merle Hay road, he's prolly got meth on him, they just need some reason to search them, and the stench of reefers rolling out of a car like it's in a Cheech and Chong movie is a pretty good reason.
Take your soft on crime blather elsewhere. You're only going to get taken to jail for those minor misdemeanors in "hopping" places like Neck Moines because the cops have nothing better to do. As for probable cause, a quarter of the people currently in prison are probably there from stuff found in a routine traffic stop that was the result of speeding, a busted tail light, no seatbelt, no license plate, etc. The cops have a sixth sense for half the dudes who are out there doing crap wrong, if they see some longhair in a microbus with a Phish sticker on the back window, he's prolly got dro or shrooms on him, if they see some meth head going 90 down Merle Hay road, he's prolly got meth on him, they just need some reason to search them, and the stench of reefers rolling out of a car like it's in a Cheech and Chong movie is a pretty good reason.

Ok I had a whole "article" written to respond to this, but decided, if you really want to debate what you just said I would be more than happy to. Just pm me.
I swear...we could have a player caught on tape murdering someone and some posters on here would find a way to defend them.
Ok I had a whole "article" written to respond to this, but decided, if you really want to debate what you just said I would be more than happy to. Just pm me.

What did your "article" say? That if the cops see someone breaking the law, they shouldn't pull them over, and if they do pull them over and find more evidence of law breaking, they should just let them off the hook and never search a car? The Supreme Court has decades of precedent regarding the reasonable search of a car. Are there crooked cops out there who will just check a few boxes on a police report to justify an unreasonable search? Yes, but that is an issue of crooked cops and not some problem with the system and many jurisdictions are outfitting cop cars with recording devices to create a record of when probable cause is met.

In this case, it sounds like the cops pulled them over on a non-arrestable offense and a cloud of reefers rolled out of the car when the officer approached. Once that cop smells reefers, there is probable cause to search. This doesn't sound like the cops searching the car on a non-arrestable traffic violation, it is a search incident to a seizure based on probable cause.
Uhhh ....after all that has happened at the UofI in recent weeks.. he decided to travel to DM and hang out with some dude that is hitting a bong and driving... he better have been doing it too. Because if you are going to put yourself in that situation and NOT be a part of it, it makes it an even dumber decision.

Why would you put yourself in that situation if you were not involved?

I hate to see him go, but looks like things caught up with him.
This is true, I spent the night in jail for public intox until I went to court the next morning. However, I do think the OP is taking a lot of the blame off of ARob for putting himself in that situation. We all make bad decisions, but Arob has to own up to himself making the decision to get in a car with people that were smoking (that is if he wasn't smoking with them). I did this in college and didn't smoke at all... just rode around with those that were. I was lucky as hell!!!

The cops do not have to take you to jail for public's basically up to them to make that decision. Usually if they think you are at risk to hurt yourself or someone else, they will take you. Did you read the Press Citizen article recently about the kid in Iowa City who got public intox twice in one night? After the first one, the police released him to a friend without taking him to the cop shop...they found him again a couple of hrs later passed out on the side of the street...they took him in the 2nd time.

I've seen it a dozen or more times in Iowa City where the police cite someone for underage drinking and then let them walk out the door.
Sixth sence and probable cause are a joke. Was anyone there? How do we know the cop smelled mj? Or was the cop profiling?
Say you are a good church going person who never over indulges in drinking, never breaks a law. You go to church and have communion, now you have the smell of alcohol on your breath giving probable cause to take you out of your car, call for back up, a k9 unit and finally to go thru your personal belongings, while you stand along side the road having people you know drive by. I personally had a situation that was VERY close to this happen to me, why because I did'nt know they could pull you over for not wearing a seat belt, when I moved away from this state a seatbelt was a secondary offence and you could not be pulled over for just that reason. I also know some one who got a owi (which I wont defend his actions) because he had one of two liecense plate lights that didnt work. Oh and I forgot to tell you that I also knew of a guy who had a restraining order put on him by his ex, and when he was walking infront of the police station his ex saw him, parked her car ran up to him and started beating on him, cops and people on the street witnessed it, yet he was arrested for violating the restraining order. So go on defend this "system" Iowa has. Because I have many more of these examples to tell. My sixth sence tells me that defending a system that does exactly what they make laws against, is a losing argument my friend.
I am not trying to defend him or condon drug use here, I am just saying Iowas drug laws are way out of line. AND YES YOU CAN AND DO GET TAKEN TO JAIL FOR EVEN HAVING A PIPE ON YOU, OR IN YOUR CAR, THATS BEEN SMOKED OUT OF. And the whole probable cause thing is the diguise, I know, my brother was an officer for over 10 years, so I am a little privy to how "the system" is run. Told him when he quit, that that was the proudest I have ever been of him.

It sounds to me like your issues are regarding legalization of marijuana. I guess, to me, if a police officer pulls over a car for a traffic violation and the driver rolls down the window which allows smoke to obviously escape from the car, everyone inside has got to be aware of what is happening. It's not like someone in the back seat can smoke a bowl in the car and the person in the front doesn't know about it. It's guilt by association, but it's his responsibility to not put himself in that situation. Same could be said for DJK. He shouldn't have been living with the guy who was being investigated. He did that to himself. Poor decisions.
Sixth sence and probable cause are a joke. Was anyone there? How do we know the cop smelled mj? Or was the cop profiling? It's called a police report. He was pulled over for not having a license plate on his car. If they hadn't been smoking in the car they would have been cited for a traffic violation and that is all.
Say you are a good church going person who never over indulges in drinking, never breaks a law. You go to church and have communion, now you have the smell of alcohol on your breath giving probable cause to take you out of your car, call for back up, a k9 unit and finally to go thru your personal belongings, while you stand along side the road having people you know drive by. I personally had a situation that was VERY close to this happen to me, why because I did'nt know they could pull you over for not wearing a seat belt, when I moved away from this state a seatbelt was a secondary offence and you could not be pulled over for just that reason. I also know some one who got a owi (which I wont defend his actions) because he had one of two liecense plate lights that didnt work. Oh and I forgot to tell you that I also knew of a guy who had a restraining order put on him by his ex, and when he was walking infront of the police station his ex saw him, parked her car ran up to him and started beating on him, cops and people on the street witnessed it, yet he was arrested for violating the restraining order. So go on defend this "system" Iowa has. Why is any of that specific to Iowa? Restraining orders exist in all states and almost every state requires seat belts be worn. IF they are witnesses then I guess your friend should have hired an attorney. Because I have many more of these examples to tell. My sixth sence tells me that defending a system that does exactly what they make laws against, is a losing argument my friend.

It's very simple and I'm not really sure why you think he did nothing wrong. If the cop is lying then maybe they have a case there, but if he is telling the truth, the two got what they deserved.
Sixth sence and probable cause are a joke. Was anyone there? How do we know the cop smelled mj? Or was the cop profiling?
Say you are a good church going person who never over indulges in drinking, never breaks a law. You go to church and have communion, now you have the smell of alcohol on your breath giving probable cause to take you out of your car, call for back up, a k9 unit and finally to go thru your personal belongings, while you stand along side the road having people you know drive by. I personally had a situation that was VERY close to this happen to me, why because I did'nt know they could pull you over for not wearing a seat belt, when I moved away from this state a seatbelt was a secondary offence and you could not be pulled over for just that reason. I also know some one who got a owi (which I wont defend his actions) because he had one of two liecense plate lights that didnt work. Oh and I forgot to tell you that I also knew of a guy who had a restraining order put on him by his ex, and when he was walking infront of the police station his ex saw him, parked her car ran up to him and started beating on him, cops and people on the street witnessed it, yet he was arrested for violating the restraining order. So go on defend this "system" Iowa has. Because I have many more of these examples to tell. My sixth sence tells me that defending a system that does exactly what they make laws against, is a losing argument my friend.

So let me get this straight. First, someone got pulled over at 10:30 on Sunday morning and had their car searched while the neighbors drove by? When was that? Or is that just a hypothetical you made up?

Second, you moved back to Iowa, and you knew it was a legal requirement to wear a seatbelt, but you chose not to, then you got pulled over for it? Was your car searched? Because in tying it back to your hypothetical church family, it seems like it was. What was the probable cause they used to search your car?

Third, your buddy got an OWI because he was pulled over due to a burnt out license plate light? That is exactly why the cops pull a lot of people over, to take guns, drugs and drunks off the roads. Sounds like good police work to me.

Fourth, your friend got beat up by his ex wife in front of the police station and didn't press charges against her or otherwise sue her? You take that to any jury in the state and you've got a pretty open and shut assault and battery case, maybe he left out some facts when he relayed the story to you.

Given all the dirtbags and crap the cops have to deal with and see on a daily basis, I don't think they are doing too bad of a job. Sorry you got pulled over when you were breaking the law, I guess we should let everyone off now.
some people will find any way to excuse the behaviors of players on this team. it is rather sad to be honest.

apparenty a tigerhawk logo on your uniform means you are incapable of doing wrong...

please, pull your head out of the sand.

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