Are you seeing avatars by threads you post in?

This is Jon: Trying to see if this is just a me problem or if you are also seeing the silhouette avatar by threads you have posted in. Thanks for the help
I see this Avatar everywhere.
It looks the same as yesterday before you started messing around. Is that what you wanted? I just see the envelopes.

There are a few mods I am looking at is where you replace the envelopes with the original poster's avatar, which is what we tried doing..however since our skin was a vBulletin 3.x skin and not a 4.x skin, that created a problem. I need to get the skin redesigned on the 4.x version and then I can install 4.x mods.

Here are some of the mods I am interested in:

1. One I just mentioned
2. In post linking: If you post some thing about James Vandenberg, at the end of the body of your thread it automatically finds five other posts related to the topic you posted about, from the forums.
3. Global Threads: Make one post that goes to all forums...breaking news tool
4. PM to Text: Allows users to enter their cell phone (which remains private) and receive text notifications when they get a PM...this would certainly be a great breaking news feature because of --->
5. Mass PMs: I have had the ability to mass email everyone for the last three years and I haven't done it I wont abuse it but there have been times where I have wanted to be able to do this.
6. Share Button: A button next to the Like button that allows you to share a post via your social media platforms, like twitter.
7. Badge enhancement: The area where your avatar is, there are some very cool things we can do with that space.
I want my badge enhanced RIGHT NOW. You MUST prioritize that, JD.
There are a few mods I am looking at is where you replace the envelopes with the original poster's avatar, which is what we tried doing..however since our skin was a vBulletin 3.x skin and not a 4.x skin, that created a problem. I need to get the skin redesigned on the 4.x version and then I can install 4.x mods.

Here are some of the mods I am interested in:

1. One I just mentioned
2. In post linking: If you post some thing about James Vandenberg, at the end of the body of your thread it automatically finds five other posts related to the topic you posted about, from the forums.
3. Global Threads: Make one post that goes to all forums...breaking news tool
4. PM to Text: Allows users to enter their cell phone (which remains private) and receive text notifications when they get a PM...this would certainly be a great breaking news feature because of --->
5. Mass PMs: I have had the ability to mass email everyone for the last three years and I haven't done it I wont abuse it but there have been times where I have wanted to be able to do this.
6. Share Button: A button next to the Like button that allows you to share a post via your social media platforms, like twitter.
7. Badge enhancement: The area where your avatar is, there are some very cool things we can do with that space.

Sounds good....
I can see #5....mass PM for everyone to "Knock it off! Da ban hammer is coming!" :D (without the smiley)