Anyone hear anything about Mike Leach's new book about TTech and Craig James?


Well-Known Member
SPORTSbyBROOKS ‘Craig James gave Joe Schad Adam’s cell number’

I am going to pick this book up this afternoon. I really like Mike Leach (I listen to his show with Jack Arute on Sirius everyday). I would love for nothing more than Craig James to disappear after the railroad job that occured in Lubbock. I hope Leach gets back in football soon. He plays one of the most exciting brands of football out there. Plus...doesn't he have Iowa ties somewhere?
He was an assistant under Hal Mumme at Iowa Wesleyan in Mount P. Dana Holgerson was quarterback.

I think Leach is having more fun in Key West than he would have had in Lubbock.
No, I mean that I think he coached somewhere in the state of Iowa at some point...therefore, that automatically bumps him up a bit in my book.
I thought ESPN and especially Craig James looked like complete douches in this mess. I wanted to see much more coverage on their BS but when you are THE flagship sports reporting outlet you get to dictate stories and perception for the most part. It really makes me dislike the James family now, I hope he's still changing Adam's diaper. Remember, Craig made a name for himself as a key part of the dirtiest program in college football history. Once a cheating lying scumbag always a cheating lying scumbag IMO.
I thought ESPN and especially Craig James looked like complete douches in this mess. I wanted to see much more coverage on their BS but when you are THE flagship sports reporting outlet you get to dictate stories and perception for the most part.

Agreed, that, and little things that DP points out on his radio show have really changed the way I look at ESPN. About the only show on their that doesn't follow the marching order from the suits is PTI. It is also horrible the amount of things their "insiders" trot out as breaking news that 10 minutes later is debunked by multiple people outside of Bristol. Case in point yesterday the breaking news that the NFL lockout was going to be settled around July 21st.

They also really F'ed up the Farve story time and time again. They have started trying to make the news instead of just reporting it. Aside from actual games I don't watch at all.
Agreed, that, and little things that DP points out on his radio show have really changed the way I look at ESPN. About the only show on their that doesn't follow the marching order from the suits is PTI. It is also horrible the amount of things their "insiders" trot out as breaking news that 10 minutes later is debunked by multiple people outside of Bristol. Case in point yesterday the breaking news that the NFL lockout was going to be settled around July 21st.

They also really F'ed up the Farve story time and time again. They have started trying to make the news instead of just reporting it. Aside from actual games I don't watch at all.

And how many times was KF leaving for the NFL?
The fact that Leach still doesn't have a college coaching job tells me all I need to know about that situation.
I continue to be amazed at how many people watch ESPN or go to
And even more amazed that people believe EVERYTHING they say or write.
Did anyone hear the interview on the new 1600 AM show in Cedar Rapids (Balbinot & Brommelkamp)? I worked until about 4:45 and I am unable to listen to the radio at work, but I guess they had him on for a considerable interview.

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