Anyone angry or upset with the game

Nope it's the way our whole season has gone. Coaches can't figure it out by now so why should I care. I feel sorry for the players they pour there hearts and soul into every game and some of the fans want to crucify them. The coaches make the decision on who starts and where they play,the players do what's asked of them. Angry or Upset NO, disappointed YES but still Love my Hawkeyes
The way we lost the game today just shows that Kirk really needs to consider stepping down. Today's game with us blowing the lead like we did was harder to watch then getting beat down by the Gophers.
Courtesy of Rob Howe. Consider yourselves warned.

Q. In Chicago in July you were pretty optimistic and your players were talking about winning the division and so forth. Is 7-5 a little hard to fathom right now?

KIRK FERENTZ: I'm not going to get too global in my thoughts, but I'll say this: I've really felt like since 2001 just in broad, sweeping statements, for the most part we're going to have an opportunity to compete for the championship. That's our goal. We're not going to back down from that. That would be ridiculous. But I think as we all know, there are twists and turns that go on in any season. I'd love to know how many people wrote down in August that Minnesota would have eight wins right now. That doesn't surprise me; they're a veteran ballclub, well-coached and they're playing very well.

So, Minnesota can be a veteran ball club and well-coached, but Iowa can't be?
I think "that's football means" our plan didn't work..and we didn't have an alternative plan. They outschemed us (slanting toward the short side) and we did nothing for 5 possesions to counter it)
Serious question, does KF suffer from some type of mental ailment? He isn't living in reality.
It looks like every presser after a loss. Every. Single. One.

Know thought to playing CJ? None? At All?

Also, in Dolph pregame they specifically said Wadley would play.

Folks, he ain't gonna say what we want to hear....
I'm not so sure that the players have poured their hearts and souls into every game. There was some lackadaisical play throughout the season. Hard to figure when the players had that great motivator, Kirk (Knute Rockne) Ferentz.

Kirk, do the right thing - step down. And don't ask for a settlement. You have already made tens of millions of dollars from this university...just go home..
This one's a couple of miles from reality. Your defense scored 6 off of a Nebraska turnover and your special teams scored 6 off of a blocked punt and blocked a FG. The turnovers and special teams play was a wash at least.
What cost you today was missing wide open receivers all over the field.

Q. And you had it to 24‑7, too.
KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, we had our opportunities, no question about that. But the two things that really cost us today were the turnovers and then errors or misgivings in the special teams area. I'm not going to say it came as a surprise. We thought that returner was as dangerous a guy as we've seen this season, so we knew that part, had great respect for him, but we just didn't punt and cover well enough, especially on those two opportunities

This one's a couple of miles from reality. Your defense scored 6 off of a Nebraska turnover and your special teams scored 6 off of a blocked punt and blocked a FG. The turnovers and special teams play was a wash at least.
What cost you today was missing wide open receivers all over the field.

Q. And you had it to 24‑7, too.
KIRK FERENTZ: Yeah, we had our opportunities, no question about that. But the two things that really cost us today were the turnovers and then errors or misgivings in the special teams area. I'm not going to say it came as a surprise. We thought that returner was as dangerous a guy as we've seen this season, so we knew that part, had great respect for him, but we just didn't punt and cover well enough, especially on those two opportunities

If you knew, why did you kick to him? Unreal
I felt the players gave this one away more than the coaches, although some of the 3rd quarter playcalling and personnel usage was pretty bad. Those blown punt coverages were just pathetic. I guess you can put it on Kirk for recruiting because we need better players and some guys who can make things happen. They had playmakers, we didn't. Those of you who don't live in Western Iowa are lucky, because all I have right now is anger, disgust, frustration, and little hope for the future. Now I get to hear all the Huskers continue laugh and snicker at Iowa football. We can't even beat them when they're down four starters, so I can't really tell them they're wrong.
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I felt the players gave this one away more than the coaches, although some of the 3rd quarter playcalling and personnel usage was pretty bad. Those blown punt coverages were just pathetic. I guess you can put it on Kirk for recruiting because we need better players and some guys who can make things happen. They had playmakers, we didn't. Those of you who don't live in Western Iowa are lucky, because all I have right now is anger, disgust, frustration, and little hope for the future.

I'm with ya Mose. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again. Brutal.
The presser is the icing on the cake. KF after losses is pretentious and condescending. And he doesn't get one difficult question. Not one. No challenges, follow-ups, nothing. Hlas actually asked him a real question, Ferentz gave him a nothing answer, and all that happened was that he joked about it on Twitter. Why not say, "You didn't really answer my question, Coach..."? He's just a man like everyone else. Are the media that frightened of losing access?
The presser is the icing on the cake. KF after losses is pretentious and condescending. And he doesn't get one difficult question. Not one. No challenges, follow-ups, nothing. Hlas actually asked him a real question, Ferentz gave him a nothing answer, and all that happened was that he joked about it on Twitter. Why not say, "You didn't really answer my question, Coach..."? He's just a man like everyone else. Are the media that frightened of losing access?

Would really like to see anyone in Iowa's media fraternity ask the following questions. In any other media market they would be fair game. Not sure why everyone is so afraid of Ferentz and Barta. They will be gone before the reporters.

1. Do you feel the Iowa Football program is in decline the last 5 years?
2. Why do you not recruit the top high school players in the country?
3. Why has the Wisconsin football program been more successful in the last 10 years then the Iowa football program? What are you doing to make up the difference?
4. Why has the Nebraska football program been more successful since joining the big ten then the Iowa football program? what are you doing to make up the difference?
5. Why has the Minnesota football program been more successful in the last year then the Iowa football program? what are you doing to make up the difference.
6. What does Iowa have to offer 4 star and 5 star recruits? How are your selling the Iowa program to them? Are you even offering them or truly believe Iowa is just a developmental program?
7. Is the only reason to are not retiring is to turn the football program over to your son?
I'm with ya Mose. Snatched defeat from the jaws of victory once again. Brutal.

In the end here's why I disagree that the loss is on the players.

Let's say the players aren't as good as Nebraska's. That's on the coach.

Let's say the players folded under pressure. Well, were there better players being held out of the game (maybe a QB who can make the tough throws?) which affected the outcome? Again, that's on the coaches.

Look, there is a reason the kids get a scholarship that is worth less and less every year while the head coaches are ALL now millionaires.'s sad when you lose a longtime friend or companion, but I've come to terms with it by now....just sad at the void that has been created.

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