Any News on Morris?


Well-Known Member
Looked terrible on the tube. That dude #70, Pagan, is a one man Hawkeye wrecking crew. Seems to me he got someone last year too.
Alston was more impressive anyway. James is just not stout enough for the middle. I think James might end up battling Kirksey for Will.
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Problem with james is he has to.fight off olineman 4 yards down field because our dline just isnt dominant enough to take up blockers this.year...not his fault
You say that, but watch the replay a see Alston. James just gets caught up too easily in the muck. I think he will end up a very good Will, but I just think the D looks totally different with Alston in there.

This is NOT a knock on James. Just think Alston looked special on the inside. Seriously, though I was watching Abdul for a second there.
Having Morris, Kirksey, Hitchens, Alston & Derby, all a year bigger and smarter, to pick from for 3 LB spots makes me feel we will be a lot better off at LB next year. As for the DL...... Have to hope Spears is a natural DE, that Johnson/Cooper can jump up into the mix and hopefully Davis and the other improve a great deal.
You say that, but watch the replay a see Alston. James just gets caught up too easily in the muck. I think he will end up a very good Will, but I just think the D looks totally different with Alston in there.

This is NOT a knock on James. Just think Alston looked special on the inside. Seriously, though I was watching Abdul for a second there.

Having Morris, Kirksey, Hitchens, Alston & Derby, all a year bigger and smarter, to pick from for 3 LB spots makes me feel we will be a lot better off at LB next year. As for the DL...... Have to hope Spears is a natural DE, that Johnson/Cooper can jump up into the mix and hopefully Davis and the other improve a great deal.

+1. I started having some doubts as Morris as a Mike at PSU, and more and more I'm thinking he should move to Will. Currently something just doesn't seem right w/ the LBs. Alston does look more of a natural at the Mike spot, and maybe in a couple wks we'll see Nielsen at the Mike and Derby at the Leo, or other variations. W/ the move of Derby there is no shortage of young, athletic guys at LB. Now they just need to play more consistently.

As for DE, I really hope Spears is ready to contribute next season, along w/ DL Hardy, Trinca-Passat, Cooper, Tsopanides, and hopefully Johnson is ready when he gets to campus, along w/ Alvis, Bigach and Davis making some serious off-season strides. I think the guys that will see the most minutes are already on campus - they just need to get bigger, stronger and faster. It's amazing how much more effective IA defenses are w/ a solid DL.
I never understood playing Morris in the middle. I always thought they should have started Bruce Davis in the middle and moved Morris to Will. I guess they were more worried about coverage, but stopping the run is the primary responsibility of the middle.

Its going to be interesting to see what happens next year as there is also Dibona, Getz and Poggi who are all injured.

I think you could maybe kill two birds with one stone and move Derby to D end eventually, but this year he needs to get on the field at LB asap.
I'm pretty sure our coaches will do a good job of putting the best people in the best positions to give us the best chance to win. Our linebackers do not have the luxury of having a stout front four in front of them this year, which has made a big difference and makes their jobs much more difficult. And Morris was playing on a bad ankle out there today. I think he has a very bright future, wherever he ends up.
I never understood playing Morris in the middle. I always thought they should have started Bruce Davis in the middle and moved Morris to Will. I guess they were more worried about coverage, but stopping the run is the primary responsibility of the middle.

Its going to be interesting to see what happens next year as there is also Dibona, Getz and Poggi who are all injured.

I think you could maybe kill two birds with one stone and move Derby to D end eventually, but this year he needs to get on the field at LB asap.

I really thought Morris would be the S in the middle, but it just isn't happening. So many blown tackles I am just amazed. People blame the DL, no can do on what I am talking about. Moving Morris to the outside works for me. Alston in the middle looked good.

I was thinking of Derby at the DE position, and that sounds like a winner! He has the frame, he just needs to pack on the pounds.
This calling out player thing is B.S. everytime I post something its gone. I'm not calling out a player by pointing to a play where they made a mistake. I am simply speaking about the game. I realize that these players are a thousand times more athletic than myslef, that is part of the reason we come on here becasue we want to talk about the game we can no longer play. If I were saying so and so is horribl they need to be replaced then I get it, but to say Morris looks like a better Will than Mike is not calling out player. If we can't come on here to have football discussion what is the point?
Re: Next year with Getz et. al: I wonder how much help these guys will be with the serious leg injuries they have sustained. They may not be of much help next year.
A few comments ....

- first off, ALL of Iowa's LBs have had more than a few plays where they've looked less than stellar. That includes Morris, Kirksey, and even Nielsen.

- secondly, a lot of folks, not just the LBs have been tackling poorly ... and that has made the D, as a whole, look far worse than their talent-level.

- thirdly, I'd ask folks to contrast how Morris looked last year as a newb ... but a newb with a truly impressive DL in front of him ... against a bit more experienced Morris who not only has a less impressive DL in front of him ... but a nicked up DL, no less.

- I'd also ask folks to recognize that ANY player who is injured tends to look sub-par ... or, at least look worse than they do when they're healthy. To that end, Morris, Nielsen, and Hitchens have all been a bit nicked up.

- and, on top of everything, you have to remember that great D is all about playing great TEAM D. And, the starting ingredient for Iowa's D, when it's at its best ... is personnel continuity. Remind me about what sort of personnel continuity Iowa has had at LB so far this year!

So far this year Iowa fans have been pretty bizarre in how they've roasted so many of our LBs this season. Fans have lit into Nielsen ... fans have lit into Morris ... and even Donatell catches some of the flingin' feces ... just because he's not AJ Edds.
Homer, I appreciate your thoughtful comments.

And yes, injuries definitely limit production, but knowing this staff and seeing certain signs I wouldn't be surprised to see some personnel and assignment changes at LB.
I never understood playing Morris in the middle. I always thought they should have started Bruce Davis in the middle and moved Morris to Will. I guess they were more worried about coverage, but stopping the run is the primary responsibility of the middle. Its going to be interesting to see what happens next year as there is also Dibona, Getz and Poggi who are all injured. I think you could maybe kill two birds with one stone and move Derby to D end eventually, but this year he needs to get on the field at LB asap.
I really thought Morris would be the S in the middle, but it just isn't happening. So many blown tackles I am just amazed. People blame the DL, no can do on what I am talking about. Moving Morris to the outside works for me. Alston in the middle looked good. I was thinking of Derby at the DE position, and that sounds like a winner! He has the frame, he just needs to pack on the pounds.

what about CJ at D end?
Homer, I appreciate your thoughtful comments.

And yes, injuries definitely limit production, but knowing this staff and seeing certain signs I wouldn't be surprised to see some personnel and assignment changes at LB.

In understand the contrasts that you're making between Morris and Alston. A big issue as I see it there concerns who does a better job of making reads and calls. Morris is obviously the more experienced of the two. However, I think that Iowa is caught in a rather intriguing situation ... it certainly doesn't hurt that both guys are pretty darn smart.

I do wonder that if health issues at LB continue to be an issue ... whether they start "tweaking" how they position guys in order to play to strengths of various guys.

After the season is over, the competition at LB will easily be one of the most interesting ones. And, what will be particularly cool, is that A LOT of them will be pretty-darn experienced too!

Hey, nerd... dont be "that guy"

aka, *********.

This seems more like a discussion on what works best at a position than anyone "calling out a player".

I disagree with that anyways, but hey.. not my site.

I really wish some of the players last year DID see what we thought, about how they lacked heart. maybe they woulda had some motivation to know their fans opinion that they quit.

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