Another BTN Iowa Day coming up


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Breaking down BTN’s ‘Iowa Day’ programming | TheGazette

I'm glad Iowa does these but seriously, can the BTN not find any other games to air? The same classic football games keep getting rotation. There are so many other gems out there and I don't understand why they don't show them. Some games I would like to see.

2001 Alamo Bowl victory over Texas Tech
2003 victory over ASU
2004 Outback Bowl victory over Florida
2004 victory over Wisconsin
2008 victory over Wisconsin
2009 Outback Bowl victory over S. Carolina

These are some just to name a few, and I think they all belong to ESPN so they should be able to access them. I just don't get why the same eight or nine games get played over and over again.
Breaking down BTN’s ‘Iowa Day’ programming | TheGazette

I'm glad Iowa does these but seriously, can the BTN not find any other games to air? The same classic football games keep getting rotation. There are so many other gems out there and I don't understand why they don't show them. Some games I would like to see.

2001 Alamo Bowl victory over Texas Tech
2003 victory over ASU
2004 Outback Bowl victory over Florida
2004 victory over Wisconsin
2008 victory over Wisconsin
2009 Outback Bowl victory over S. Carolina

These are some just to name a few, and I think they all belong to ESPN so they should be able to access them. I just don't get why the same eight or nine games get played over and over again.

I guess the game I find most "disturbing" is the 2007 MSU game. We sucked that year. Other than Tom Arnold being a "guest" of the broadcast team, and the fact we DID make a "comeback", the fact this game gets played as often as it does makes me question the BTN staffers. That, and (of course), the restructuring of Big Ten Pulse. Replacing JDM was criminal, IMO!
Breaking down BTN’s ‘Iowa Day’ programming | TheGazette

I'm glad Iowa does these but seriously, can the BTN not find any other games to air? The same classic football games keep getting rotation. There are so many other gems out there and I don't understand why they don't show them. Some games I would like to see.

2001 Alamo Bowl victory over Texas Tech
2003 victory over ASU
2004 Outback Bowl victory over Florida
2004 victory over Wisconsin
2008 victory over Wisconsin
2009 Outback Bowl victory over S. Carolina

These are some just to name a few, and I think they all belong to ESPN so they should be able to access them. I just don't get why the same eight or nine games get played over and over again.

How many of those games would actually be considered "classics" though? Sure they are all great in the minds of Hawk fans, but classics?

The Alamo Bowl in 2001 was the only game that wasnt decided by double digits that you listed.
How many of those games would actually be considered "classics" though? Sure they are all great in the minds of Hawk fans, but classics?

The Alamo Bowl in 2001 was the only game that wasnt decided by double digits that you listed.

They would be better than seeing the same games we've seen 100 times though. This is my only real complaint with the BTN, they replay the same games over and over and over.

Even during these summer replays they do from the previous year we get nothing but the same games. You can guarantee that if not this week, then next week they will show Michigan St. vs Wisconsin regular season game or B1G title game on replay. But have yet to see a replay of the Iowa-Northwestern game, which was a pretty damn entertaining game.
They would be better than seeing the same games we've seen 100 times though. This is my only real complaint with the BTN, they replay the same games over and over and over.

Even during these summer replays they do from the previous year we get nothing but the same games. You can guarantee that if not this week, then next week they will show Michigan St. vs Wisconsin regular season game or B1G title game on replay. But have yet to see a replay of the Iowa-Northwestern game, which was a pretty damn entertaining game.

So you are saying they should just replay all the games Iowa fans would find entertaining? Makes sense.
Those are all good games..

Breaking down BTN’s ‘Iowa Day’ programming | TheGazette

I'm glad Iowa does these but seriously, can the BTN not find any other games to air? The same classic football games keep getting rotation. There are so many other gems out there and I don't understand why they don't show them. Some games I would like to see.

2001 Alamo Bowl victory over Texas Tech
2003 victory over ASU
2004 Outback Bowl victory over Florida
2004 victory over Wisconsin
2008 victory over Wisconsin
2009 Outback Bowl victory over S. Carolina

These are some just to name a few, and I think they all belong to ESPN so they should be able to access them. I just don't get why the same eight or nine games get played over and over again.

but the BTN has to pay the current rights-holder to those games to be able to broadcast them. The BTN can't just take a recording of the 2001 Alamo Bowl and put it on the BTN. They have to pay the original broadcaster (ESPN) for the right to show the game on the BTN. My guess is that this is a rather expensive endeavor, as ESPN isn't going to relinquish broadcast rights to games without making the BTN pay handsomely for it. ESPN has ZERO interest in providing content for the BTN to show on its own network and charge advertising for.

My hope is that they continue to build out the library of all the schools over time, but I would guess that ESPN may not part with the broadcast rights for old B1G games for any price to the BTN. The BTN takes millions of dollars away from ESPN every year with the broadcast of the football games and men's basketball games on BTN. If I'm ESPN, why do I do the BTN any favors by selling them rights to old B1G games?
Re: Those are all good games..

but the BTN has to pay the current rights-holder to those games to be able to broadcast them. The BTN can't just take a recording of the 2001 Alamo Bowl and put it on the BTN. They have to pay the original broadcaster (ESPN) for the right to show the game on the BTN. My guess is that this is a rather expensive endeavor, as ESPN isn't going to relinquish broadcast rights to games without making the BTN pay handsomely for it. ESPN has ZERO interest in providing content for the BTN to show on its own network and charge advertising for.

My hope is that they continue to build out the library of all the schools over time, but I would guess that ESPN may not part with the broadcast rights for old B1G games for any price to the BTN. The BTN takes millions of dollars away from ESPN every year with the broadcast of the football games and men's basketball games on BTN. If I'm ESPN, why do I do the BTN any favors by selling them rights to old B1G games?

You have no idea how this works. Everything you said is completely inaccurate.
Here is a bit BTN is going to be showing the game vs Indiana where Hartlieb thre for 500+ years...

I wouldn't watch the end of the game though.
I always recognize when it's an "Iowa" day because that is the only time they show Iowa winning at anything. I am starting to develop a great deal of disdain for the BTN.
What do you suggest they do then?

Go through their massive inventory and show a variety of games and not the same games over and over, like I said before. There is no reason they couldn't replay games that aired on their own network (or any network really) from last fall. But instead they recycle the same games over and over again.
Re: It was a guess...

I never claimed that I "knew" how this works. If it's incorrect, tell us how it works.

The Big Ten owns the rights to every home game's broadcast. They sell them to ESPN/ABC and keep some for themselves on the BTN. They have the right to re-air those games and sell their own advertising for their games at their will.

How many classic games or replays come from ESPN or ABC? Over 50% easy. Just look at what you will see for Iowa day tomorrow. Iowa vs. Pittsburgh - aired on ESPN. Iowa vs. Purdue - ESPN. Iowa vs. San Diego State - ESPN. Iowa - Michigan State - ESPN.

The only slight problem with re-airing games on ESPN/ABC is that it takes some time to condense the original broadcast into a window that works for the BTN program schedule. But even that is pretty minor and they constantly do this.
I always recognize when it's an "Iowa" day because that is the only time they show Iowa winning at anything. I am starting to develop a great deal of disdain for the BTN.

You're absolutely right.

A network decided to exist, become wildly successful and totally change the paradigm of college athletics broadcasting all for the express purpose of dissing Iowa.

Time to go buy a sports car dude.
You're absolutely right.

A network decided to exist, become wildly successful and totally change the paradigm of college athletics broadcasting all for the express purpose of dissing Iowa.

Time to go buy a sports car dude.

I do get some of what he was posting, though. It gets old to see they are showing the 2011 B1G Championship game two or three times a week. And it really is, to some degree, a "de facto" OSU Network a lot of the time.

I think what many posters don't realize is that when ESPN was starting, THEY had trouble getting certain games, too. Networks had "control", and showed what THEY wanted, and what THEY knew would bring ad revenue.

ESPN appealed to the also-rans, i.e., teams NOT named OSU, Michigan, Notre Dame, USC, Penn State, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Texas, Alabama and, from time to time, a few others in any given year. Then, ESPN got "big", then bought up, and they face the same issues the networks do, namely, revenue.

BTN changed all that for Big 10/Big Ten/B1G fans. It gave us a network that talked about US, OUR schools. But BTN still needs revenue, and revenue is found where the people are: Chicago, Detroit, Phlly/Pittsburgh, Columbus/Cleveland ("Hello, Cleveland!...Hello, Cleveland!"), Indianapolis, Minneapolis, i.e., the larger cities in B1G country.

But the other dynamic, and it applies more to us old-sters, is that a lot of "classic" games were not broadcast in the first place. Few people saw the 1987 game against OSU. The 1981 games against Nebraska and UCLA were, at best, regional, but probably local. Heck, even our clincher against MSU to go to the Rose Bowl played second fiddle, TV-wise, to OSU-Michigan (thank you, Art Schlicter!).

I actually remember sitting in Maxwell's one Saturday and praying for a MLB playoff game to get rained out so "we can bring you regional college football coverage". Thus, the Milwaukee Frigging Brewers pre-empted most of the 1982 Iowa-Indiana game, which we preserved with a near-goal-line tackle at the end. The 1982 Iowa-MSU game, featuring the Ron-Hawley-kicks-a&&-on-the-goalpost gem, is a mere sportscast highlight. Doubtful anyone "kept" the game for anything other than posterity.

Basically, anything pre-1983/1984/1985 is probably difficult to edit for broadcast. Anything after? Better choices could be made, certainly. And I, too, can live without another viewing of the 1986 Holiday Bowl or the 2007 MSU game!
If you haven't noticed, BTN re-packages old games into a 2 hour format, including fresh interviews with personalities involved. It isn't as easy as just finding old film and putting it on the air. It costs BTN to re-package these games, which is probably why they don't have a huge catalog.

But I agree with the sentiment. BTN should air only Iowa replays, and every win Iowa has recorded in the past 30 years should be covered.