Android App - Request For Assistance


Well-Known Member
Hello, android app users.

I am posting to ask for a bit of assistance from users of the HawkeyeNation android app.

First, we have gotten a few scattered reports of Force Closes over the past few days with the app but have been unable to reproduce them in our testing. If you are a user who has seen FCs in the HawkeyeNation app, please let us know so we can try to work out what is happening and get it fixed ASAP.

Second, we would like to request that regular users of the app provide a rating and/or review in the android market. You can access it from your computer here: or via your phone's market application. If you do take a moment to rate it, please just be honest and give the app whatever rating you feel it deserves.

Finally, we almost have the next version of the app ready to go and we are looking for beta testers to provide feedback before we release it to the public. If you are interested in testing this version and future versions of the app before they are available to the public, please provide your contact info here:

Tried to write a review online but it said they were "having difficulty processing my request. Please try again later."

It was a great review, though ... : )
I've been a fan of the HN Android app.

2 suggestions:
1. It'd be great if it could load faster
2. Every once in awhile, it seems there is an article on the site but not on the app. It would be nice if these synched more quickly.
I would be up for helping with the beta testing. The only rexommentation I'd throw out is to have a quote option on people's posts.
just reporting for the first time I just had a force close. actually, it didn't close but sent me to the wiki mobile encyclopedia at the android market. I'm on a samsung mesmerize if that matters. I just got right back on, though.
just reporting for the first time I just had a force close. actually, it didn't close but sent me to the wiki mobile encyclopedia at the android market. I'm on a samsung mesmerize if that matters. I just got right back on, though.


That sounds like an issue that we have fixed in the next version of the app. We hope to release it soon.


knight, for me the app is actually faster than using a browser. at least it is when I am at home on my wireless network.
Would love to post new threads and quote in the Android App.

Added to this thread because I can't start new thread on my HN app for Android.
Along the same lines as Hawkeyeswin i would love to post "New Topics" and quote.
As for a review right now i would give it a 7 out of 10. It does seem to load faster than a desktop computer. You guys are headed in the right direction...
Along the same lines as Hawkeyeswin i would love to post "New Topics" and quote.
As for a review right now i would give it a 7 out of 10. It does seem to load faster than a desktop computer. You guys are headed in the right direction...

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