Andrew Cashner


Well-Known Member
There is an article in the Chicago Sun-Times saying that the Cubs may call Cashner up for bullpen help. He's been consistently throwing in the upper 90's for AAA Iowa, and there's no doubt he could help a ton with the Cubs bullpen. He was a closer at TCU, and the Cubs have converted him to a starter since drafting him 2 years ago. The organization has spent a lot of time, and have been successful into coverting him to a starter. I hope him going from closer to starter to middle relief doesn't mess with the kid. There is also talk of the Cubs calling up Jay Jackson from AAA. He was recently moved from a starter to the bullpen. Our bullpen may turn out to be half decent with Marmol, Marshall, Russell and Cashner and/or Jackson.
I gotta believe we are trying to trade one of our starters...... with Z coming back to the rotation Gorzo probably ends up in the bullpen and the LAST thing we need in the pen is another lefty.............
Man, I really wish that they wouldn't do this! If they have him converted to a starter now, just let him keep starting at Iowa! Why do the Cubs continue to mess with their pitchers...starter, bullpen, 8th inning guy, long relief, back to starter (see Zambrano). I'd rather have them call up Jackson since he's actually been in the 'pen at Iowa. We shall see.
Man, I really wish that they wouldn't do this! If they have him converted to a starter now, just let him keep starting at Iowa! Why do the Cubs continue to mess with their pitchers...starter, bullpen, 8th inning guy, long relief, back to starter (see Zambrano). I'd rather have them call up Jackson since he's actually been in the 'pen at Iowa. We shall see.

I am not a Cubs fan, and I have only seen this kid pitch once, but it makes no sense to mess with a good thing. The Cubbies always seem to do it though.
Do you guys honestly think it matters???? Ramirez is done and while all they would have to do is call up Tracy they won't do that instead trotting out Jeff Baker who apparently Pinella has gotten into his head because he has totally stopped producing. Soriano will get nicked up and stop producing and Byrd will continue to fall back to his historical season average. Also you have a lead-off man with an OBP of .330 which is just terrible. Big Z will continue to tank every other game. The Cubs starting pitching is good overall but there won't be any help for them and Z will lose more games then he wins.
I gotta believe we are trying to trade one of our starters...... with Z coming back to the rotation Gorzo probably ends up in the bullpen and the LAST thing we need in the pen is another lefty.............

I think they need a lefty to replace Grabow. he's a vet and a good arm. I think he might be trade bait. And for the starters. You gotta think Silva is on the block right now, and that Z will be at the end of the year, maybe even this year. Lilly is gone after this season (may be resigned) but I think bringing up Jackson for the pen makes more sense and then have Cashner in the rotation next year. Let him develop alittle more in Iowa.
Jackson is probably not a very good option. Almost always successful relievers have their success because they have a dependable "out" pitch. Jackson is a guy with a decent array of pitches he can mix up in a starting role. He doesn't have a devastating slider or change up, no overpowering heat that he can throw 98-99 MPH fastballs for an inning. The odds are that if he can make the majors it will most likely be as a #4 or #5 starter or in long relief roles where mixing up pitches smartly would make optimal use of his skills.

Cashner was drafted as a reliever, and it was only a year ago that the transformation to starter began. As it was, he only made 24 starts between A & Double A ball, pitched only 100 innings--which is only 4 innings per start on average--and he only had THREE WINS all season.

This year, repeating Double A, he had 36 IP over 7 starts before being promoted to Des Moines, where he has pitched only 19 innings in three starts. There is a troublesome caution light on that Hendry probably should not ignore: Cashner is not going longer that six innings in his minor league starts; and he may need to remain longer at Iowa stretching out his starts.

So IMO you are right on target with your concern that in an erratic, hasty decision that the Cubs will send him back to the bullpen. Now admittedly it is not clear that Cashner has enough in his arsenal beyond his high-velocity fastball, and the evidence from his brief minor league starts doesn't necessarily mean that his other pitches have come around enough at this point to succeed in the majors as a starter. But it seems foolish to curtail the experiment: for the long haul the Cubs are going to need top-of-the-rotation SPs after Lilly, Dempster, Zambrano, Silva are gone--and there are no highly regarded #1 pitchers in the pipeline; and with the young Marmol as a future fixture as the closer, it strikes me as shortsighted to convert Cashner back again as a temporary stop-gap in the bullpen of a team that isn't going to contend this year or next.
Great post, obviously know your stuff on these prospects. Either way, it sounds like Cashner is going to be a good one (knock on wood).
A guy I went to high school with works on the grounds crew at Principal Park and said Cashner was throwing 95-97 late into his start.

Not sure if he was correct, but thats impressive if true.
I have complete faith that the cubbies will do all they can to ruin this kid. Guess that's just me being my optimistic self.
I think most of the nerves from this move stem from the failure of Samardzija and how many people he failed because he was moved back and forth. There have been plenty of very solid starters who broke in from the bullpen including Wainright, Phillips, Chamberlain and others. If Cashner is a legit prospect, he'll pan out regardless of if he finishes the year in the bullpen. If anything it might save his arm a little. Everything I've read about Cashner suggests he's legit. He's got a few secondary pitches that are said to be coming along pretty well. He should have no problem pitching in the high 90's out of the pen. He would definitely be a boost to the pen.
Unfortunate game today. Dempster was up to his old tricks, wanting to pitch to hitters who had him figured out, with predictable results. You think that he and Lou would have figured it out when Votto took him deep a few weeks back.

Anyhow, Brenly mentioned it in the broadcast Friday, and I happen to agree with him - Ramirez needs to go on the DL. He's played twice since last Saturday when he went 0-5 with four strikeouts, so you could say that the move is overdue. However, Chad Tracy is hitting something like .450 for the I-Cubs, and he was signed to be the backup 3rd baseman.

Thankfully, the schedule sets up well over the next 1 1/2 weeks or so for the Cubs to make up some ground. The nine upcoming games are against teams they should beat, and if they can manage to go 6-3 that will get them back home at .500.
Unfortunate game today. Dempster was up to his old tricks, wanting to pitch to hitters who had him figured out, with predictable results. You think that he and Lou would have figured it out when Votto took him deep a few weeks back.

Anyhow, Brenly mentioned it in the broadcast Friday, and I happen to agree with him - Ramirez needs to go on the DL. He's played twice since last Saturday when he went 0-5 with four strikeouts, so you could say that the move is overdue. However, Chad Tracy is hitting something like .450 for the I-Cubs, and he was signed to be the backup 3rd baseman.

Thankfully, the schedule sets up well over the next 1 1/2 weeks or so for the Cubs to make up some ground. The nine upcoming games are against teams they should beat, and if they can manage to go 6-3 that will get them back home at .500.
100 % agree. Tracy is there so why not use him and let Ramirez get healthy. Pirates next and we have not done well against them this year.
100 % agree. Tracy is there so why not use him and let Ramirez get healthy. Pirates next and we have not done well against them this year.

What was weird about watching the pitchers for each team over this series was just how much more agressive the Cardinal pitchers were. It may just be me, but it seems to me like most of the Cubs starters are nibblers, trying to get guys to chase stuff out of the zone. There are only a couple of pitchers on the staff who really go after people, and that's Silva and Lilly.
Agree again. I think that is key for pitchers in the MLB and the more successful pitchers are aggressive in the zone.

By the way, I guess we got Albert out of his 'slump', eh?

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