And Now for Smarmy Keith Murphy Posts on His FB Page


Well-Known Member
I am so sick and tired of the smarmy a-hat that is Keith Murphy. He loves gloating every time something goes wrong for any Hawkeye team....yet he is supposedly an objective journalist....why doesn't he just quit his little comedy routine on WHO TV and start doing a Cyclone blog instead....smarmy, condescending puke who cannot contain his joy at Hawkeye misery like every other Cyclone d-bag fan out there...

I feel better after that....
Missing as in what he posted....on FB he automatically posted "Meltdown in 3-2-1" and then of course every Cy-Clown fan has to chime in and dance around the corpse of Hawkeye basketball. It is pretty typical Cy-Clown fan behavior led by their little ringmaster Keith Murphy....
Missing as in what he posted....on FB he automatically posted "Meltdown in 3-2-1" and then of course every Cy-Clown fan has to chime in and dance around the corpse of Hawkeye basketball. It is pretty typical Cy-Clown fan behavior led by their little ringmaster Keith Murphy....

Well I hate to say it, but he is right.....I know I'm melting down, and this board sure as **** is melting down.
The fact that he is supposedly an objective sports journalist is the part that really gets me....he is such a shill for the Cyclones he should just wear a jersey every night...I think it is his smarmy funny boy act that really tees me off....of course there is a meltdown but hey, let us meltdown and cool off instead of giggling like a school is Cyclone fans like him that make it hard not to want them to lose every game....
I like that show - but ya the "we are switzerland thing" is pretty comical and anyone with half a brain knows is
I think it's ******** that we are required to follow his postings on FB. That law needs to be amended...and quickly.

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